Selling the Promise of Change

Report on the International Health and Policy Consequences of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) U.N. Meeting

JDrescherWIARPP Member Jack Drescher, MD, was a participant in this panel, the first ever UN discussion on the legalities, ethics and science behind the movement promoting sexual orientation change efforts and its relationship to international human rights was held on Thursday, January 31 at the UN Church Center. The discussion examined the notion that people can or must change their orientation to conform with cultural or religious norms often intersects with legislation, mental health, HIV/AIDS prevention, violence against women, and religious freedoms.

Reviewing literature policy and personal narratives were a panel of experts including:



● Toiko Kleppe – UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

● Dr Jack Drescher, MD – Author of the APA’s official position on sexual orientation conversion therapy.

● Sam Wolfe, Esq – Southern Poverty Law Center

● Chaim Levin –Survivor of ex-gay therapy and plaintiff in the landmark case against a conversion therapy organization.

● Rebecca Jordan-Young, Ph.D – Women’s, Gender and Sexual Studies, Columbia University

● Pastor Jay Bakker – Revolution Church, Son of Televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker

Click here to read a summary of the discussion: