Chapter Updates

Local Chapters Committee

By Steven Kuchuck (USA) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia)
Co-chairs of the Local Chapters Committee

The Local Chapters Committee (LCC) met during the conference in Rome and heard reports from the chairs of the chapters in Australia, Chile, Greece, Israel, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain.  We had a very warm and collegial meeting, sharing information, difficulties, and excitement about the growing relational community in so many parts of the globe, including Brazil and Turkey where work has commenced to explore the possibility of forming new chapters in those countries.  Following the IARPP membership meeting, there was also discussion about the possibility of launching a chapter in Germany.

At the LCC Meeting, one of the issues raised by a  number of chapter leaders concerned the challenge of language and what might be done to expand efforts already under way in some chapters to translate seminal relational works into multiple languages.  The idea of setting up a listserv for the LCC members and co-chairs to communicate with each other was also discussed and this has now been implemented.

We are happy to present short reports from Australia, Greece, and Mexico and will present more detailed reports on local chapters’ activities and achievements in the next eNews.

With warm regards,
Steven Kuchuck and Marianne Kennedy

skuchuckNSteven Kuchuck, LCSW
LCC Co-chair and IARPP Board Liaison
222 West 14th Street, Suite 5M
New York, NY 10011  USA
Email Steven Kuchuck
Amazon author page:

Marianne Kennedy

Marianne Kennedy, MA
LCC Co-chair
Registered Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Level 1, 215 Darling St
Balmain, NSW 2041  Australia
Email Marianne Kennedy




IARPP-Mexico Chapter Activities

By Alejandra Plaza (Mexico)

(Click here for Spanish)

The IARPP-Mexico chapter continues with a number of projects, including the following:

  • The study group continues to hold its monthly meetings. It has an average attendance of 18 participants, who are highly motivated. The operating model changed and it currently has no cost.
  • We recently organized a videoconference with Alejandro Ávila Espada at the Universidad Intercontinental. The topic was “Congruencies and Divergences Among Relational Psychoanalysis, the Intersubjectivists, and the Interpersonalists”
  • We are still carrying on media talks and conferences in various associations and universities. We are going to give a course in San Luis Potosí, a provincial city, to a clinic that deals with addiction problems and eating disorders.
  • The board of directors has been restructured and there is no longer the figure of a president. Instead, it functions in a non-hierarchical form, and decisions are reached in a horizontal and collegial way by its members whose names include:

Alejandra Plaza
José Ángel Aguilar
Ana María Maxwell
Lucía Chávez
Amalia RiveraPatricia Minjares

Our chapter is in a transitional period. During this time our contacts are:
Email Alejandra Plaza
Email Ana María Maxwell
Email Amalia Rivera

plazaphoto0616wAlejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.







* * *

Actividades del Capítulo Mexicano de la IARPP

  • Grupo de estudio, seguimos con reuniones mensuales. Los asistentes están muy motivados; tenemos una asistencia de 18 personas. Se cambió la modalidad y ahora no tiene costo.
  • Se organizó una videoconferencia con Alejandro Ávila Espada en la Universidad Intercontinental. El tema fue “Congruencias y Divergencias entre el Psicoanálisis Relacional, los Intersubjetivistas e Interpersonalistas.
  • Seguimos impartiendo pláticas en Asociaciones y Universidades de difusión. Vamos a dar un curso en San Luis Potosí, una ciudad de provincia, a una Clínica que trata problemas de adicción y trastornos alimenticios.
  • Reestructuración de la Mesa Directiva en la que no hay una figura de presidente, sino que tiene un funcionamiento no jerárquico: se toman las decisiones de forma colegiada y horizontal por sus integrantes que son:

Alejandra Plaza
José Ángel Aguilar
Ana María Maxwell
Lucía Chávez
Amalia Rivera
Patricia Minjares


Estamos en un proceso de transición. Los contactos son:

Email Alejandra Plaza
Email Ana María Maxwell
Email Amalia Rivera

Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.

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Report from IARPP-Greece

By Alexis Mordoh,
Chair, IARPP-Greece

The Greek Chapter of IARPP is in the process of planning educational activities for the next academic year of 2016-17. So far, we have confirmed that we will be offering a seminar entitled “An Overview of the Relational Psychoanalytic Perspective.” This will be a weekly Skype seminar taught by Steve Kuchuck and will involve reading of papers and clinical case discussions. We will keep you updated with further details.

murdohphoto0616wAlexis Mordoh, PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
42 Patriarhou Ioakim Street, Athens, 106.75
65A Sarantaporou Street, Kifisia, 145.63  Greece

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Australian Chapter Report

By Roberto D’Angelo
Chair, IARPP-Australia

A number of Australians attended the conference in Rome and were inspired by and in awe of the amazing event created by the Italian organizing committee. It has really given our Australian chapter something to aspire to as we plan and prepare for the 2017 IARPP conference in Sydney. The venue has been booked, the conference reception is looking like it will be a great night, and we are currently developing a really interesting program. We have compiled extensive mailing lists in our attempt to reach as many people in Australia and around the world as possible with our promotional material. We are hopeful that the call for papers will result in interesting and diverse submissions. The conference theme, “From the Margins to the Centre,” is intended to foreground those people, groups, or perspectives that might otherwise be considered outliers, or peripheral to mainstream psychoanalysis.

At the same time, we are continuing to run our ongoing video-seminar program. Our next live video-seminar is entitled “Trans: Gender in Free-fall,” and will be presented by Virginia Goldner live from New York. As usual, we have a growing number of people from remote locations in Australia who participate in these seminars via Zoom video-conferencing. If any other chapters, or groups, would like to hear about our experience using video-conferencing, please contact me. So far we have found it to be very successful and a great way to reach more people, especially in a country as large as ours.

Phil Ringstrom visited Australia for the second time in August, presenting a full day workshop in Melbourne and Sydney on Contemporary Relational Theory and Practice. Phil’s workshops generated enormous interest and were incredibly well received. This was first time we have held a live event in Melbourne, and we hope this will be the first of many more shared events. Up until now, Melbourne has had a smaller IARPP community than Sydney; however I suspect this won’t be the case for long. It was great to see the energy and enthusiasm of the local Melbourne IARPP community.

All of the details of these events and more can be found on our recently-launched website We also have a Facebook page–please “Like” us!! We are hoping that our web presence, our video seminars, and the promotion of the 2017 conference will continue to grow our chapter, especially by reaching some of the states in Australia in which there have so far been very few IARPP members.

dangelophoto1115wDr. Roberto D’Angelo
Psy.D. FRANZCP, M.Med.(Psychotherapy), MBBS
Suite 33, 8 Hill St,
Surry Hills NSW 2010   Australia

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