From the President

Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi

Dear IARPP Members,

I hope you are having a relaxing and creative summer. I take the opportunity offered by the newsletter just for a brief note about the most important initiatives we are working on.

We are finalizing the work to redesign the website in order to make it more user friendly and representative of the vitality that characterizes our community.

The Chilean Local organizing Committee and the International Programme Committee worked hard on drawing up the program of the annual conference which, as you know, this year will take place in Santiago de Chile from 7 to 10 November. This conference demonstrates the growing interest towards relational models registered in the South American psychoanalytic context. In preparation for this “Meeting of Traditions,” IARPP has scheduled, from September 23 through Sunday October 6, a colloquium on the contribution offered by H. Racker, a leading figure in Argentinian psychoanalysis and a profound innovator on the subject of countertransference. In order to give continuity to the discussion that will get underway online, a space within the conference program will be dedicated to carry on the debate. I really hope that most of you will actively participate to the Colloquium and will join us in Santiago.

susiarticleIn light of the previous years of experience, we made the decision to set May/June as the time of  year to hold the annual IARPP conferences on a regular basis.  Since it will not be possible to plan another conference just six or seven months after the one in Santiago, in 2014 we will rely on the vitality and wealth of online events that over the years have stimulated such a wide and active participation.  In this way we will  avail ourselves of a medium that has proven to be so important in building up our community.

I am pleased to confirm here the next IARPP conferences scheduled for the coming years.
In June 2015 we will meet in Toronto, Canada.
In May/June 2016 we will gather again in Rome, Italy.
In May/June 2017 the conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, thanks to the collaboration of the Local Chapters that have been in place for some time now in Australia and New Zealand.

Only by experiencing our own as others do we become aware of our need or incompleteness that leads us to pursue wisdom; only by experiencing another as our own do we have any reason to suppose that learning is possible.

With friendship, Susi Federici-Nebbiosi