
Presentation Announcements by Daniel Shaw (USA)

Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery

(2022). IARPP-Mexico, online, October 29.

The program includes a presentation from Shaw’s recent book, Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery: Leaving the Prison of Shame and Fear (Routledge, 2022) as well as a new paper on the integration of trauma theories and psychoanalysis, along with question and answer sessions.

(2022). Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, online, November 19.

In this master class, Shaw leads participants in a close reading and discussion of two chapters from his recent book, Traumatic Narcissism and Recovery: “Working with dissociated aggression in traumatized patients” and “The problem of self-alienation.”

Shame and the Cultic Dynamic

(2023). The American Psychoanalytic Association, 2023 National Meeting, New York, February 1.

Drawing from many years of clinical work with former members of cultic groups as well as his personal experience, Shaw discusses his understanding of the cultic dynamic, referencing his theory of the traumatizing narcissist’s relational system of subjugation. He describes the defining characteristics that destructive cults and their leaders have in common, with an emphasis on the ways in which shame plays a role in cult recruitment, in maintaining obedience and submission of cult participants, and in the struggles with ex-members’ shame as they recover from cult trauma. Clinical recommendations for working with cult trauma survivors is outlined.

Daniel Shaw, LCSW
New York, NY, USA
Email Daniel Shaw