2025 The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst and Psychoanalytic Companioning

The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst and Psychoanalytic Companioning

Faculty: Robert Grossmark (USA)

Open date: April 6, 2025

Open to: 200 participants

Candidate Webinar
9:30am – 12:00pm (EST) on Zoom

This webinar is designed SPECIFICALLY and only for candidates and early-career psychoanalysts/relationally trained psychotherapists. This webinar is limited to 200 participants. IARPP membership is required to participate in this webinar. We welcome those for whom English is not their first language.

The IARPP Candidates committee is delighted to announce this year’s Candidate’s Webinar, where we will have the opportunity to have an interesting dialogue with the renowned Psychoanalyst Robert Grossmark, who will address the challenges met when working with patients who cannot “work together” with an analyst, who are not sufficiently able to symbolize and mentalize. In this presentation, we will address both patients who suffer disturbances in the area of self-other definition, continuity and regulation of self, as well as patients who can appear to be more related and reflective, but harbor sequestered self states that are dominated by areas of unrepresented and unsymbolized trauma and neglect. This presentation will present the position of the unobtrusive relational analyst who companions the patient in the emergence of illusion, fragmentation and non-relatedness and privileges the inner world of the patient that becomes the signature and defining sculptor of the clinical interaction and process. Unrepresented and unformulated trauma and neglect announce themselves in the flow of mutual enactive engagement and rather than seek to move the patient into greater relatedness and insight, the analyst companions the patient in the emergence of yet to be known and thought narratives of trauma and fragmentation.

Robert Grossmark, Ph.D, ABPP is a psychoanalyst in New York City. He works with individuals, groups and couples and conducts psychoanalytic consultation and study groups.
He teaches and supervises at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, The National Institute for the Psychotherapies and The National Training Program in Psychoanalysis, and lectures nationally and internationally. He is an Associate Editor for Psychoanalytic Dialogues.
He is the author of The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Companioning and co-edited The One and the Many: Relational Approaches to Group Psychotherapy and Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory.