From the Editors

By Christina Emanuel (USA) and Maria Tammone (Italy)

Dear IARPP Community,

We are pleased to present the Bookshelf edition of the IARPP eNews, in which we recognize the recent creative and scholarly contributions made by members of our international psychoanalytic community.

Our IARPP membership has been busy publishing a large number of books and edited volumes recently covering a diverse array of topics. In this issue we feature announcement of everything from a book about the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed, to a volume of poetry by psychoanalysts, discussions of identity and difference, and numerous volumes covering the intergenerational transmission of trauma.

We are particularly pleased to present an interview with David Goodman (USA), discussing his recent co-edited book, The Ethical Turn: Otherness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Psychoanalysis. In this interview David discusses both the ethical turn in psychoanalysis as well as his work as the chair of the Psychology and the Other Conference occurring every other year in Boston.

The contributions of our IARPP members are impressive; so many of you clearly never sleep but instead devote many hours every week to enhancing our field with your rich scholarly and clinical work. Congratulations to all these authors on their remarkable achievements.

We invite all IARPP members to submit announcement of their publications and presentations. Our next deadline for submissions will be June 16, 2017.
 Please read below for instructions to submit pieces for future editions of the Bookshelf and eNews.


Christina Emanuel and Maria Tammone

When submitting articles to the Bookshelf, please include the following:

  1.  The title of your book, article, or presentation
  2.  A brief description of the content, such as an abstract
  3.  A link to a publisher if there is one
  4.  Artwork or a photo of the book cover if applicable
  5. For presentations, please spell out all acronyms and include the location
  6. A photograph of yourself in jpeg format
  7.  Your professional contact information for our readers as you would like it to appear publicly

Please send all submissions to:
Maria Tammone:
 and Christina Emanuel:

emanuelphoto0616w2Christina Emanuel, MFT, PsyD
16 S. Oakland Ave., Suite 201
Pasadena, CA 91101
Email Christina Emanuel



bettertammonephoto0616wMaria Tammone, MD
Via Montegrappa 46
00048 Nettuno/Roma
Email Maria Tammone