2018 Conference in New York City – Call for Papers

By Hazel Ipp (Canada) and Margaret Black Mitchell (USA),
Conference Co-chairs

We are pleased to open the call for papers for the 15th annual IARPP conference, entitled “Hope and Dread: Therapists and Patients in an Uncertain World.” The conference will be held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, from Thursday, June 14, to Sunday, June 17, 2018.

confimage0817bannerwOur collective distress with political events in the United States generated the focus for this conference. As clinicians and theorists confronting an uncertain world we are committed to considering how these massive social forces affect the working of minds in the consulting room and in our everyday lives. We will come together in New York as an international community to share experiences and lessons learned from political and social trauma in the US and elsewhere as it affects our patients and ourselves. As we examine what can be learned from living through troubled times, we will consider how we, as clinicians might encourage positive change in our world.


Our plenaries will take up racism, otherness, and immigration, and consider the place of truth in our contemporary culture and our clinical work. Apart from the plenary sessions we will include a number of invited panels along with submitted papers and panels, demonstrating the creativity and scholarship of the membership of our organization.

We welcome all IARPP members to submit PROPOSALS ONLY for individual papers and/or panels pertaining broadly to the conference theme. To submit a proposal please click on this link and follow the instructions carefully: https://iarpp.net/web/web/thesite/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/IARPP-2018-Call-For-Proposals-Announcement-FINAL.pdf

We will also be happy to hear about books you have recently published. We intend to include a list of such publications as an addition to the materials in all conference folders. Please include author(s), title, publisher, and publication date, and a brief paragraph about the book.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, September 25, 2017. All proposal submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and authors will be notified of the Committee’s decision by mid- to late-November. Acceptance is limited by space availability, and final papers will only be requested upon the acceptance of proposals for the conference.

For more information about the conference please click on this link: https://iarpp.net/web/events-hub-page/upcoming-conference/

We look forward to seeing you in New York.

Margaret Black Mitchell and Hazel Ipp
Conference Co-chairs, 2018

p3HIppMyPicturewHazel Ipp, PhD
Email Hazel Ipp




mitchellphoto0817wMargaret Black Mitchell, LCSW
Email  Margaret Black Mitchell