Announcing the Upcoming Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee Webinar

By Marco Bernabei (Italy), Aleksandra Misiolek (Spain),
Leslie Gibson
(USA), and Steven Tuber (USA)

How does the therapist’s experience as a parent influence his or her clinical work, and vice versa? This question will be the topic of an upcoming webinar organized collaboratively by the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee and the Webinar Committee, taking place this October. In this webinar Leslie Gibson’s recent book chapter, “The Patient’s and Therapist’s Subjectivities as Parents: Mutual Influences,” will provide the clinical and theoretical background for our discussion. Her chapter was published in Steven Tuber’s edited volume, Parenting (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), which was the inspiration for this third IARPP webinar featuring discussion of clinical work with children, adolescents, and their parents. Gibson’s article is one of the book’s chapters in which aspects of the psychotherapist’s subjectivity as a parent are highlighted.

The international faculty for this webinar will include Neil Altman (USA), Steven Tuber (USA), Leslie Gibson (USA), Jacqueline Gotthold (USA), Frances La Barre (USA), and Macarena Lopez Magnasco (Chile). Additionally, Marco Bernabei (Italy) and Aleksandra Misiolek (Spain) will serve as moderators.

Further details and instructions for enrolling in this webinar will be sent via email from the IARPP office in the coming weeks. For further information about this event or other activities of the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee, please contact this committee’s co-chairs, Ann Marie Sacramone (USA) and Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi (Italy).


Leslie Gibson
Marco Bernabei
Aleksandra Misiolek
Steven Tuber












Ann Marie Sacramone MSEd, LP
Email Ann Marie Sacramone





susiarticleSusanna Federici-Nebbiosi, PhD
Email Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi




Steven Tuber