

The Collective lives on the tides of willingness to grapple with what aches in our socio-political world.
At times there is a brewing silence where people quietly lick the wounds of so many.
At times there is a storm of posts reflecting an urgency for an activist mode of being.
What is certain is that all the different tides of activity in the Collective contain an enormous amount of anger, pain, frustration, and mourning.
After all these years of the Collective, we still search for our capacity to communicate and our capacity to convince others to act.
The Palestine-Israel issue and the Middle East continue to be a basic fault in the Collective’s psychic awareness, though one can easily ponder how this issue represents other areas of human catastrophe.

Mitchel Becker (Israel), Chair

Mitchel Becker, Ph.D.
Raanana, Israel
Email Mitchel Becker