Contours of Vitality in Movement

Chapter By Silvia B. Birklein (USA)

(2018). In J.K. Amighi, S. Loman, & K.M. Sossin (Eds.), The Meaning of Movement: Embodied Developmental, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile, 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge.

Silvia B. Birklein’s chapter explores embodied psychoanalytic work with a patient suffering from severe dissociation. This thoroughly updated new edition of the book, The Meaning of Movement, edited by Janet Kestenberg Amighi, Susan Loman, and K. Mark Sossin, serves as a guide to instruction in the well-established Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP). This volume represents the system’s foremost reference book, sourcebook, and authoritative compendium, interweaving current developmental science, cultural perspectives and KMP-derived theory and methods for research and clinical techniques. Through KMP, clinicians and researchers in the realms of nonverbal behavior and body movement can inform and enrich their psychological interpretations of movement. Interdisciplinary specialists gain a way to study the embodiment of cognition, affects, learning styles and interpersonal relations based on observation and analysis of basic qualities of movement.


Silvia Birklein, PhD, MA, LCAT, BC-DMT, CMA, KMP
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (New School), Certified Psychoanalyst (NYU), Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (Dance Movement Therapist), Certified Movement Analyst (CMA; KMP), SYNC Psychological Services, PLLC, SYNC Somatics™/Institute for Body/Movement Informed Psychotherapy

928 Broadway, Suite 803
New York, NY 10010
Email Silvia Birklein