Couples, Families and Groups Special Interest Group (SIG)

Couples, Families and Groups Special Interest Group (SIG)

Following summer vacations (for some of us), our Special Interest Group (SIG) will be alive again with an intriguing couple case kindly offered to us by member Adam Shechter (USA). The case will require us to think together outside of the box. It will stimulate our phantasy while we explore his courageous interventions and the resistances that arose.

Our SIG will meet virtually on Sunday, the 8th of October, 20.00-21.15, Greek/Israeli time. If any IARPP member would like to join our group, please contact us at

Gila Ofer and Stavros Charalambides, Co-Chairs

Gila Ofer, PhD
Tel Aviv, Israel
Email Gila Ofer

Stavros Charalambides, MSc, CGP
Athens, Greece
Email Stavros Charalambides