Embracing Therapeutic Complexity: A Guidebook to Integrating the Essentials of Psychodynamic Principles Across Therapeutic Disciplines

Book Announcement by Patricia Gianotti (USA)

In an era where instant gratification has filtered into training programs geared toward technique-driven solutions, Embracing Therapeutic Complexity takes a step back to reintroduce fundamental touchstones that enable clinicians to apply an integrative treatment model in the service of in-depth healing and growth. Patricia Gianotti’s book, published by Routledge, also addresses the impact that power and privilege have had on shaping psychological constructs and challenges cultural assumptions and blind spots that have shaped our treatment approaches in the past. The book illustrates how the application of psychodynamic principles can be combined with advances in trauma treatment, offering a practical guide for both beginning and seasoned therapists to amplify and expand their clinical skill sets.


Patricia Gianotti, Psy.D. is the Academic Director of The Institute for Advanced Psychotherapy at Loyola University Chicago and co-author of two earlier books, Listening with Purpose and Uncovering the Resilient Core. She is managing partner of Woodland Psychological Services, a private group practice in North Hampton, New Hampshire. As a relational psychodynamically trained therapist, her areas of specialization center on attachment difficulties associated with trauma, shame and narcissistic injury.

Patricia Gianotti, Psy.D.
North Hampton, New Hampshire
Email Patricia Gianotti