Dear IARPP Community,
We are pleased to present this issue of the IARPP eNews. Perhaps inspired by the camaraderie at the recent Sydney conference, this issue reflects a great deal of activity among our members around the world.
In this issue a number of members share their reflections on the Sydney conference, including Cathy Hicks and Sarah Calvert, the co-chairs of this successful event. And thank you to members who submitted their photos from the conference; we hope you enjoy these snapshots from Sydney in our photo gallery. In this section you will also find news about the 2018 IARPP International Conference which will take place in New York City next June.
At the Sydney conference there was a meeting of the Local Chapters Committee – now named the International Chapters Committee – and we are delighted to share news from these chapters. In addition to news from well–established chapters, please take note of the reports from Peru and Argentina, where new chapters have just formed, as well as from Turkey where a chapter is in the formation process. These members are clearly enthusiastic about IARPP and the opportunity to bring relational thought to their countries.
Additionally, we are pleased to report news from our committees. Please note in particular news from two new committees, the Membership Committee and the Muriel Dimen Fellowship Committee, as well as announcement of a webinar with the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee.
See below for a complete list of article in this issue of the eNews. You can click on any listing below to be taken directly to that article and the rest of the eNews. Also, please see below for information about submitting items to an upcoming issue of the IARPP Bookshelf or eNews. The next deadline for submissions is October 31, 2017.
Christina Emanuel and Maria Tammone
(Click here to go to September 2017 eNews)
Letter from the IARPP President
Featured articles:
Reflections on the Sydney Conference
Cathy Hicks (Australia) & Sarah Calvert (New Zealand), Francesca Colzani (Chile), Koichi Togashi (Japan), Estelle Shane (USA), Adriano Bugliani (Italy), Cynthia Chalker (USA), Gonçalo Neves (Portugal), Joyce Slochower (USA), Steven Kuchuck (USA), Ann Marie Sacramone (USA)
IARPP Members’ Photo Gallery from the Sydney Conference
2018 New York City Conference-Call for Papers
Announcing the Muriel Dimen Fellowship Program
International News:
News from the International Chapters Committee
New Zealand
The IARPP Office Has a New Address
News from the Membership Committee
Announcing the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee Webinar
News from the Colloquium Committee
About the Candidates’ Committee
Report from the Webinar Committee
Submissions to the Bookshelf or eNews:
We invite all IARPP members to submit announcement of their publications and presentations or articles of more general interest. Our next deadline for submissions will be October 31, 2017. Please read below for instructions to submit pieces for future editions of the Bookshelf and eNews.
When submitting articles to the Bookshelf, please include the following (if applicable):
- The title of your book, article, or presentation
- A brief description of the content, such as an abstract
- A link to a publisher if there is one
- Artwork or a photo of the book cover if applicable
- For presentations, please spell out all acronyms and include the location
- A photograph of yourself in jpeg format
- Your professional contact information for our readers as you would like it to appear publicly
Please send all submissions to Maria Tammone: and Christina Emanuel:
Christina Emanuel, MFT, PsyD
16 S. Oakland Ave., Suite 201
Pasadena, CA 91101 USA
Email Christina Emanuel
Maria Tammone, MD
Via Montegrappa 46
00048 Nettuno/Roma Italia
Email Maria Tammone