From the President

From the President

Dear IARPP Members,

When I wrote my first letter for the previous Bulletin, I somehow hoped for better times for when I would write my second letter. But it seems today’s world and its conflicts give us no respite. We know that many of our colleagues in different parts of the world live in war zones, and our thoughts are with them.

Based on the above, Cathy Hicks (Australia) and Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot (Israel), Co-Chairs of the Colloquium Committee, have planned a one-week colloquium, for May 15-22, with panelists from all over the world, using Freud’s paper, “Why War?” as a starting point. You all will be welcome to follow and participate in the debate, which we hope will help us share and process some of the complexities we are dealing with.

On a different note: As you know, we are just a couple of months away from our Annual Conference, which this year will be taking place in Merida, Mexico. The Conference Co-Chairs, Adriana Cuenca (Mexico-USA) and Berta Loret (Mexico), along with the Local Organizing Committee, are working very hard so that we all can enjoy a diverse, rich and fascinating program in their homeland. As you know, registration is already open. It will be a wonderful scenario to meet in person again.

Looking very much forward to seeing you all in Merida!

With warm regards,
Sandra Toribio Caballero
IARPP President

Sandra Toribio Caballero, Ph.D.
Madrid, Spain
Email Sandra Toribio Caballero