IARPP Chapter Updates

Committee Update

Update from the Local Chapters Committee

By Steven Kuchuck (USA) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia)
Co-chairs of the Local Chapters Committee

We are very pleased to present reports from the local chapters in Spain, Portugal, Chile, Mexico, and Australia on their varied and interesting recent activities and plans for 2017. We are also happy to congratulate María Eugenia Boetsch on her election as the new president of the chapter in Chile.  We look forward to sharing more from our IARPP communities across the world over the coming year.

With warm regards and best wishes for a peaceful and happy holiday season,

Marianne Kennedy and Steven Kuchuck

skuchuckNSteven Kuchuck, LCSW, LCC Co-chair and IARPP Board Liaison
222 West 14th Street, Suite 5M
New York, NY 10011
Email Steven Kuchuck
Website: www.stevenkuchuck.com
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/stevenkuchuck


Marianne KennedyMarianne Kennedy, MA, LCC Co-chair
Registered Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Level 1, 215 Darling St
Balmain, NSW 2041
Email Marianne Kennedy

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IARPP-Spain Next Annual Meeting

By Rosa Velasco and Aleksandra Misiolek

We are happy to announce that the seventh annual IARPP-Spain conference will take place in Barcelona on March 31 and April 1, 2017, at the Fundación Cosmo Caixa, with the collaboration of the Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis, the Instituto de Psicoterapia Relacional, Ipsa Levante, and the Fundación Cosmo Caixa.

Our main speaker and international guest will be Paul Wachtel (USA) who will give two talks. The first is entitled “Relational Psychoanalysis as a Contextual Psychology: Cyclical Psychodynamics, Feedback Loops, and Living-in-the-World,” and the other is “The Relational Unconscious: Can it be Made Conscious? Does it Need to be for Meaningful Change to Occur?” The first talk will be preceded by an exchange of clinical experiences among the participants, who will have received the text of the talk beforehand.

Additionally, we will host Joan Coderch, Ramon Riera, Rosa Velasco, Neri Daurella, Raimundo Guerra, and many more. For more information, please consult our website: http://iarpp.es/actividades.php?fccodigo=14712 or write to us at: secretaria@iarpp.es.


velascophoto1116wRosa Velsaco
IARPP-Spain President
Email Rosa Velsaco





misiolekphoto0216wwwAleksandra Misiolek
IARPP-Spain Secretary
Email Aleksandra Misiolek




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Las próximas jornadas de IARPP-España

Tenemos el placer de anunciar las VII jornadas de IARPP España que tendrán lugar en Barcelona el 31 de marzo y 1 de abril en la Fundación Cosmo Caixa con la colaboración de la Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis, Instituto de Psicoterapia Relacional, Ipsa Levante y Fundación Cosmo Caixa.

El principal invitado será Paul Wachtel, quien dará dos ponencias tituladas:

“Psicoanálisis Relacional como psicología contextual: psicodinámica cíclica, bucles de feedback y formas de estar en el mundo.” Y “El Inconsciente Relacional: ¿Se puede hacer consciente? ¿Es necesario hacerlo consciente para que ocurra un cambio significativo?” La primera de ellas precedida de un intercambio de experiencias clínicas de los participantes, quienes recibirán la ponencia al inscribirse.

Adicionalmente, contaremos con la presencia de Joan Coderch, Ramon Riera, Rosa Velsaco, Neri Daurella, Raimundo Guerra y muchos otros. Para más información consulten en: http://iarpp.es/actividades.php?fccodigo=14712 o escriban a: secretaria@iarpp.es

velascophoto1116wRosa Velsaco
IARPP-Spain President
Email Rosa Velsaco





misiolekphoto0216wwwAleksandra Misiolek
IARPP-Spain Secretary
Email Aleksandra Misiolek


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Report from IARPP-Portugal

By Frederico Pereira and Miguel Moita

Dear IARPP members,

We are delighted to report some of the activities that have been organized by IARP-Portugal, as well as to provide further information regarding the events taking place, in the hopes that you will join us.


International Conference 2015

Last November, we co-organized the international conference, “Body, Gesture, and Dream: Relational Psychosomatics,” along with The Portuguese Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (APPSI) and the International Centre for Psychosomatics (CIPS). For three days, November 19-21, we had the opportunity to have as keynote speakers Sami-Ali, Silvie Cady, Leila Al Husseini, Jean Marie Gauthier, and Frederico Pereira. The conference was held in Lisbon at the School for Higher Education, and was attended by 150 participants who had the chance to get involved in fertile theoretical and clinical discussions.

Theoretical and Clinical Workshop with Neville Symington

portugalphotob1116wOn April 5, 2016, IARPP-Portugal and APPSI co-organized a full day’s workshop featuring Neville Symington, taking place in Oporto. The workshop was attended by 20 participants. In the morning session, Neville Symington presented a paper entitled “The Creation of Sanity” which was commented on by Frederico Pereira and then discussed by the group.

portugalphotoc1116wIn the afternoon session, two clinical presentations took place, one by Patrícia Atalaya and the other by Madalena Gomes. The clinical cases presented were then commented on by Neville Symington and by the group. This event was organized by IARPP-Portugal and APPSI members Frederico Pereira, Ema Evangelista, and Miguel Moita.



Clinical Dialogues 2016 Series: 

Clinical Dialogues 2016 is a series of seven clinical case presentations and discussions. This series brings the relational perspective to the foreground, particularly in terms of aspects related to psychoanalytic case formulation. This year the clinical presentations have been made by Bernardo Couto (May 19), Pedro Martins (June 16), Gonçalo Neves (July 7), Paula Mora (September 29), Celeste Brás (October 20), Elisabete Miranda (November 10), and Rui Augusto (December 8). The sessions are moderated by Miguel Moita and are open and free to all IARPP-Portugal and APPSI members. This set of events is organized by IARPP-Portugal and APPSI members Frederico Pereira and Miguel Moita.

Film and Psychoanalysis 2016: Secrets:

This year the theme of the Film and Psychoanalysis series is “Secrets.” The Film and Psychoanalysis committee has been presenting a selection of six movies inspired by the current theme. They are: Festen (March 5), Vera Drake (April 16), Dancer in the Dark (May 14), Volver (June 4), Les Petits Mouchoirs (July 2), and Bacheha-Ye-Asenan (September 24). After each screening there follows a discussion with the participants, inspired by a relational psychoanalytic perspective. The Film and Psychoanalysis activities are free and open to the general public and are highly attended. These events are organized by IARPP-Portugal and APPSI members Ana Guedes, Elisabete Miranda, and Helena Dulce Cruz.

Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy:

Since 2012, IARPP-Portugal has been collaborating with a post-graduate school of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, The Portuguese Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (APPSI). The aims of this collaboration are to create the first relational training program in Portugal and to contribute toward raising the training standards of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Portugal. These aims have now been fulfilled and we are currently preparing to begin the seventh course of training in January of 2017.

The incoming candidates will join 33 colleagues who are currently studying in this four-year, 500+ hours, post-graduate training program. For the first time senior international members and partners will be participating regularly in our seminars, either by coming to Portugal for a teaching residency, or by videoconference. The scientific director of the training course is Frederico Pereira.


2016 Conference: Oblique Sexuality(ies), A Tribute to Muriel Dimen:

On November 24-26, 2016 we presented our seventh annual conference. This year’s conference theme was entitled “Oblique Sexuality(ies),” and was designed as a tribute to Muriel Dimen and her inspiring work in the fields of gender and sexuality. The keynote speakers of the conference were Jack Drescher, William Spurlin, Rosario Castaño, and Frederico Pereira. For the complete program visit:


This event was organized by IARPP-Portugal and APPSI members Frederico Pereira, Celeste Brás, Daniel Matias, Helena Dulce Cruz, Madalena Paiva Gomes, Miguel Moita, Mónica Lopes da Silva, and Pedro Martins.

Board Elections:

Last June IARPP-Portugal held elections for its Board. The Board of Directors is now constituted as follows: Frederico Pereira as President, Miguel Moita as Vice President, Patrícia Atalaya as Secretary, and Ana Guedes as Treasurer. For the General Assembly Madalena Gomes was elected as President, with Gonçalo Neves and Daniel Matias as Secretaries. Finally, for the Fiscal Council Fernando Silva was elected as President, with Ema Evangelista and Filipa Canêlo Neves elected as Secretaries.

This new team gives us a renewed confidence in the steady and gradual development of a relational sensibility in the Portuguese psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic field and in the relevant role IARPP-Portugal will have in it.

You can follow our activities at: http://iarpp.pt/appsi/

With our warmest regards,

Frederico Pereira, Miguel Moita

pereiraphoto1216wFrederico Pereira
IARPP Portugal President
Email Frederico Pereira




moitaphoto1014wwwMiguel Moita
IARPP Portugal Vice-president
Email Miguel Moita




Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica (APPSI)
Av. Guerra Junqueiro, 2, 2º Lisboa


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IARPP Chile Report

By María Eugenia Boetsch
President of IARPP-Chile

2016 Local Chapter Activities:

We have had four clinical meetings this year. The first was on April 16, a meeting in which we discussed the participation by members of the Chilean chapter at the 2015 IARPP conference in Toronto. On July 2 our second clinical meeting of the year took place, and was entitled “On Ethics and Clinical Practice.” Our third meeting occurred on August 13, the topic being Jungian psychology and intersubjectivity. We had our fourth and last clinical meeting on October 15. That program was entitled “Group and Couples Psychotherapy.” Presenters included Macarena López, Edgardo Thumala, Germán Morales, Barbara Ortuzar, Patricia Bustos, and Veronica Avalos.

We also had two programs this year featuring international presenters. First, on August 9, Dr. Stella Acquarone gave a conference entitled “Early Autistic Indicators and Therapeutic Approaches.” This activity was organized in collaboration with SEPIA, a chilean Society for psychoanalytic studies of childhood and adolecence. And on August 22 Steven Knoblauch gave a presentation entitled “What We Missed: Revisiting Stern on Affect.” Moderated by María Eugenia Boetsch and translated by María Eugenia Boetsch and Pia Varela, this activity was organized in collaboration with UPD, a unit from a public mental institution that teaches psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We had 150 attendees, a record number!


On October 22 IARPP-Chile launched its first book, Psicoterapia y Psicoanalisis Relacional en Chile (RiL Editores).


During our 2016 local chapter election our new board was confirmed:

President: María Eugenia Boetsch
Secretary: Andrea Rihm
Treasurer: María José Mezzera
International Relations: André Sassenfeld
Editorial committee: Manena Cruz-Coke
Local meetings committee: Paola Davanzo
Comunications committee: Víctor Doñas

2017 Chapter Events:

We have already confirmed two of our four clinical meetiengs for next year. In April we will discuss participation among members of the Chilean chapter at the 2016 IARPP Rome conference. And in June a program entitled “Momentos Jugados” will be presented.

Best regards,

boetschphoto1216wMaría Eugenia Boetsch S.
President, IARPP-Chile
Email: meboetschs@gmail.com






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Reporte IARPP-Chile

By María Eugenia Boetsch
Presidente de IARPP-Chile

Actividades 2016:

Luego de nuetros tres primeras jornadas clínicas (16 de Abril; I Jornada Clinica sobre la presencia del capítulo chileno en congreso IARPP en Toronto, 2 de Julio II Jornada Clínica: Etica y Práctica Clínica y en 13 de Agosto la III jornada Clínica sobre Psicología Junguiana e Intersubjetividad). Tuvimos nuestra cuarta y última Jornada del ańo el 15 de Octubre sobre Terapias de grupo y parejas dode presentaron Macarena López, Edgardo Thumala, Germán Morales, Barbara Ortuzar, Patricia Bustos y Veronica Avalos.

Tambien tuvimos dos actividades con invitacdos internacionales internacionales:

El 9 de Agosto la Dra. Stella Acquarone dictó una conferencia titulada “Early Autistic indicators and therapeutic approach”. Esta actividad se organizó en conjunto con el grupo SEPIA (una sociedad chilena para el estudio psicoanalítico de la infancia y la adolescencia). El 22 de Agosto Steven Knoblauch dictó la conferencia “What we missed. Revisiting Stern on Affect”. Moderada por Maria Eugenia Boetsch and traducida por M. Eugenia Boetsch y Pia Varela. Esta actividad se organizó en conjunto con la Unidad de Psicoterapia Dinamica del Instituto Psiquiátrico y tuvo un record de assitencia: 150 personas.


El 22 de Octubre tuvimos el lanzamiento de nuetro primer libro: “Psicoretapia y Psicoanalisis relacional en Chile”

Edit: RiL Editores.


En nuestras elecciones del 2016 el nuevo directorio quedó conformado de la siguiente manera:

Presidenta: María Eugenia Boetsch
Secretaria: Andrea Rihm
Tesorera: María José Mezzera
Relations Internacionales: André Sassenfeld
Comité Editorial: Manena Cruz -Coke
Comité de Jornadas Locales: Paola Davanzo
Comité de Comunicaciones: Victor Doñas

Muchos cariños,

boetschphoto1216wMaría Eugenia Boetsch S.
Presidenta, IARPP-Chile
Email María Eugenia Boetsch S.

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IARPP-Mexico Chapter Activities

By Alejandra Plaza

The Mexico chapter of IARPP has been involved in a number of interesting activities this year. We are continuing with our study group, in which we review papers on relational psychoanalysis. mexicophoto1216bwWe plan to continue with this activity next year. Norma Vidaurri, a participant, describes the study group as “a clearly relational group that is built and rebuilt every day. Each encounter among group members enables situations in which knowledge is deconstructed, generating reflection and inadvertently transforming the group into a creative space that resonates with each person after the encounter at the intra-, inter-, and transubjective levels.”

mexicophoto1216cwThis year we also offered a course on relational psychoanalysis in the Temazcalli clinic in the city of San Luis Potosí, aimed at psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. This clinic treats patients with eating disorders and addiction problems. We are planning to continue our work with case supervision along relational psychoanalytic lines during the clinical sessions taking place at the institution. As part of our chapter’s activities we also recently took a course on complexity theory taught by Dr. Estela Troya and organized by Amalia Rivera.

Alejandra Plaza, as a member of the IARPP-Mexico chapter, recently published the book Emotion and Human Relations: Relational Psychoanalysis as Social Therapy. Two presentations on her book were given, one at the Instituto de Psicoterapia Relacional (IPR) conference in Salamanca and another one in Barcelona at the Spanish Society of Psychoanalysis.mexicophoto1216dw

Also, the members of the Mexican chapter continue to teach and give lectures through which they disseminate the ideas central to relational psychoanalysis.






Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.
Email Alejandra Plaza Esppinosa






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Actividades del Capítulo Mexicano de la IARPP

de Alejandra Plaza

Continuamos con el grupo de estudio, en el que revisamos artículos sobre Psicoanálisis RelacionaL. Planeamos continuar con esta actividad el próximo año. Norma Vidaurri, una de las participantes, describe al el grupo de estudio: “es claramente un grupo relacional que se construye y reconstruye cada dia; en cada encuentro entre quienes lo habitan posibilita situaciones de deconstrucción de saberes generando reflexión para convertirse sin darse cuenta en espacio creativo que resuena en cada quien después del encuentro en los niveles intra, inter y transubjetivo”.

mexicophoto1216awImpartimos un curso de Psicoanálisis Relacional en la Clinica Temazcalli, en la Ciudad de San Luis Potosí, dirigida a psicoanalistas, psiquiatras, psicólogos, y trabajadores sociales. Esta clínica trata desordenes alimenticios y problemas de adiccines. Se planea continuar con supervisión de casos, con orientacion relacional en las sesiones clínicas de la institución. Como parte de nuestras actividades tomamos un curso sobre Teoría de la Complejidad, impartido por la Dra. Estela Troya y organizado por Amalia Rivera.

Alejandra Plaza como integrante del capítulo publicó el libro “Emoción y Relaciones Humanas. El Psicoanálisis Relacional como Terapéutica Social, del que se llevaron a cabo 2 presentaciones: Una  en las Jornadas de IPR en Salamanca y otra en Barcelona en la Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis.

Los miembros del capítulo mexicano, dan clases e imparten conferencias por medio de las que difunden el  Psicoanálisis Relacional.

Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.
Email Alejandra Plaza Esppinosa

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Report from IARPP-Australia

By Roberto D’Angelo, Chair

2016 has been another exciting and successful year for the Australian chapter. We have continued the second year of our live video-conferenced seminars with a diverse range of wonderful speakers including Virginia Goldner, Andrea Celenza, Avgi Saketopoulou, Margaret Crastnopol, Bill Coburn, and Mark Blechner. Phil Ringstrom also visited Australia and presented incredibly rich seminars on relational psychoanalysis in both Sydney and Melbourne. Our chapter continues to grow its membership, and I believe this is because we are providing something new which does not exist in the Australian psychoanalytic landscape anywhere else. Our members continually approach us to ask if we can help set up a relational psychoanalytic training in Australia. As a chapter of IARPP, it is not within the scope of what we do to set up a formal training, although a number of our members are currently beginning the process to determine if it is feasible to set up some sort of relational psychoanalytic training in Sydney outside the auspices of IARPP.

Next year, 2017, is our big year, as we are hosting the IARPP conference in May! We have been working collaboratively with the New Zealand chapter and together have created a powerful and diverse group of plenary programs. Despite our concerns that Australia might seem too far away, we received  an enormous number of abstract submissions and have been able to accept and accommodate the vast majority of them. We have submissions from all around the world, and, in line with our conference theme, this includes submissions from many cultures covering topics that are generally considered to be at the margins of psychoanalysis. We hope you will join is for the conference next year, and, if you have any concerns or questions about making the journey to Australia, please contact our chapter and we would be more than happy to show you why it will be totally worth your while!

In addition, we will continue to run our seminar program during the remainder of 2017. We have an impressive line-up scheduled, including Andrew Samuels, Howard Bacal, Steven Knoblauch, Steven Cooper, and Irwin Hirsch. At our annual meeting a few weeks ago, our membership suggested that seminar participants could get together before the seminar to discuss the readings and to formulate questions. We will introduce this format into our program next year to help build a greater sense of connection and community within our own membership. In the same vein, we are also planning a symposium for local clinicians, probably in 2018, especially for those who might feel anxious about presenting at a larger international meeting, as a way of encouraging and supporting local writers.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Sydney in 2017!

dangelophoto1115wDr Roberto D’Angelo Psy.D. FRANZCP, M.Med.(Psychotherapy), MBBS
Suite 33, 8 Hill St,
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Email Roberto D’Angelo



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