Los Chicos de la Salut (The Boys of the Salut)

Los Chicos de la Salut (The Boys of the Salut)

Book Announcement by Concepció Garriga (Spain)

Garriga, C., Riera, R. & Velasco, R. (2023). Los chicos de la Salut. Self-published.
Garriga, C., Riera, R. & Velasco, R. (2023). Els nois de la Salut. Fundació Torre del Palau.

This book is a testimonial. It deals with the vicissitudes suffered by a Catalan family that took in two brothers whom social services had removed due to neglect. I was reading Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family (2020) by journalist Robert Kolker when I ran into the couple at a demonstration. We knew each other from high school. They were very distressed. They told me they had taken in two brothers. One had been diagnosed as schizophrenic and ended up dying at 26. The younger brother, having undergone psychotherapy from the age of five, did not consume drugs or alcohol; they held hope about his fate. Friends told them to write a book. His story seemed to me a version of the book I was reading with such enthusiasm. I offered to write it myself. The book includes a prologue by Ramon Riera and an epilogue by Rosa Velasco.

Click here to download pdf of book in Spanish, free of charge

Concepció Garriga, MA Psychology, has been in private practice for 40 years in Barcelona (Catalonia) where she sees individuals and couples. She is a supervisor of professional teams working with abused women and their children. She publishes regularly in “Clínica e Investigación Relacional” and “Aperturas Psicoanalíticas,” has written a paper in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, and contributed a chapter to a book edited by E. Dio Bleichmar. She is an active member of IARPP and also a member of the Sociedad Forum de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica and EMDR.

Ramon Riera, MD is a medical doctor and psychiatrist in private practice as a psychoanalytical psychotherapist in Barcelona. He was the introducer of Relational Psychoanalysis to Catalonia and Spain in the late 1990s. He is honorary president of IARPP-Spain. He wrote La connexió emocional (Octaedro, 2010) and L’herència emocional (La Campana, 2019). He teaches in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Rosa Velasco, MD is a medical doctor and psychiatrist in private practice and a psychoanalyst member of the Spanish Society of Psychoanalysis (SEP) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) in Barcelona. She teaches at the Institute Vidal i Barraquer at Ramon Llull University, Barcelona. Past president of IARPP-E, member of IARPP, and clinical supervisor, she teaches at SEP Seminars and at IARPP México-Contemporáneo. She has co-authored two books, Delitos sexuales contra menores (2014) and Temas actuales en psicoanálisis contemporáneo (2021). She is a member of the editorial board of Clínica e Investigación Relacional.

Concepció Garriga, MA Psychology
Terrassa, Spain
Email Concepció Garriga

Ramon Riera, MD
Barcelona, Spain
Email Ramon Riera

Rosa Velasco, MD
Barcelona, Spain
Email Rosa Velasco