Maturing in the Religious Life

Book Announcement by Noel Jeffs (Australia)

Maturing in the Religious Life takes us into a new world of psychoanalytic study and group analysis and the search for a living God. Spirituality and sexuality appear in a unity of life with philosophical and psychological amplification. Noel Jeffs explores how identity can be reborn and refounded in a conjunction of sexuality and religious experience to attain spiritual development. The author claims this as the heart’s desire.


Noel Jeffs, SSF is an Anglican Friar originally from Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. He is a sometimes student of Kate Lilley and others for a Master of Creative Writing at Sydney University. Noel has a master’s degree in Mental Health and has trained as a psychotherapist. He is a disabled person living alone who enjoys conversation, silence and writing. He is an LGBTIQ elder and cared for by that community. He has been published in Burrows and elsewhere. His poetry print publication, Under the Dome, is available from Garden Lounge in Newtown, Sydney.

Noel Jeffs, SSF
Sydney, Australia
Email Noel Jeffs