Meaning-Fullness: Developmental Psychotherapy and the Pursuit of Mental Health

Book Announcement by Jan Resnick (Australia)

Meaning-Fullness argues that current mental health practices are falling short in the ever-growing need for effective responses to mental unwellness. Jan Resnick begins by taking a critical look at psychiatry and psychology, especially the misuse and corruption of research. He then offers an alternative perspective, understanding and approach to issues of mental disorders.

With an introduction by Nancy McWilliams, this book from Phoenix Publishing House focuses upon the existential vacuum, a term originating in Viktor Frankl’s classic text, Man’s Search for Meaning, which refers to feelings of emptiness, purposelessness and meaninglessness. Such feelings are increasingly prevalent, and the existential vacuum points to a domain of experience not described by the DSM nor treated with a bio-medical approach.

Congruent with Relational psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, a therapeutic approach emerges through elaborating Winnicott’s ideas in Playing and Reality. Meaning-Fullness shows how the capacity for meaning-making originates in early childhood development, and how this understanding can be applied to adult experience, thereby making psychotherapy a developmental process. Therapy aims to cultivate a greater capacity for play, creativity, relationship, and meaningful living. In addition, it must work toward relief of mental suffering, recovery from trauma, and mitigation, if not resolution, of psychological disorders and confusions. Resnick’s theory is supported with clinical examples throughout, culminating in a long case study that integrates the ideas with clinical practice.

Jan Resnick, Ph.D.’s practice is Amygdala Consulting, Relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy, couples counselling and supervision. He has practiced for over 45 years. He trained in London, then moved to Australia where he ran a professional training program for 18 years. He was founding president of the psychotherapists association where he received an Outstanding Achievement award for his contribution to the profession. He has over 100 publishing credits including his first book, How Two Love: Making Your Relationship Work and Last (2016). Jan lives with his wife Cath and has six children and three grandchildren.

Jan Resnick, Ph.D.
Perth, Australia
Email Jan Resnick