Committee Update
New Zealand
By Steven Kuchuck (USA) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia)
Co-chairs of the Local Chapters Committee
In this issue of the eNews we are very happy to bring you news from Australia and New Zealand as those local chapters, along with the Conference Committee, make final preparations for welcoming you to Sydney this month. We are also including an invitation from the Mexican chapter to a most topical workshop in early May which will be presented in both Spanish and English.
In addition, we have been working closely with IARPP Board members Tony Bass and Sharon Beiman, co-chairs of the new IARPP Membership Committee, to identify countries in which smaller chapters that are hoping to grow, as well as countries that do not yet have chapters, might benefit from online programing or visiting IARPP members who could present papers, co-host social events, and otherwise be available to talk about IARPP.
We are both also looking forward to our annual meeting with the chairs and committees of the local chapters which will take place during the conference in Sydney. There are now IARPP members in 38 countries around the globe – from Columbia to Japan to the Czech Republic and beyond – and discussions about several new chapters are currently taking place. We hope that many of you will take the opportunity to say hello and talk with us during the conference.
With warm best wishes,
Marianne and Steve
Steven Kuchuck, LCSW, LCC Co-chair and IARPP Board Liaison
222 West 14th Street, Suite 5M
New York, NY 10011 USA
Email Steven Kuchuck
Amazon author page:
Marianne Kennedy, MA, LCC Co-chair
Level 1, 215 Darling St
Balmain, NSW 2041 Australia
Email Marianne Kennedy
News from the Australian Chapter
By Roberto D’Angelo, Chair
Greetings from Sydney, the home of the 14th International IARPP Conference! An enormous amount of work has gone into creating this major event, through the efforts of the local and international Conference Committees, along with the Australian and New Zealand Chapters. If you have not seen the program and have not yet registered, please have a look at The conference theme, “From the Margins to the Centre,” has generated an incredibly diverse array of contributions covering clinical, social, and theoretical issues, with well-known and new presenters from around the world.
If you are unsure about whether to make the journey down under, maybe I can dispel any doubts you might have by reminding you that Sydney is one of the most beautiful and cosmopolitan harbor-side cities in the world. Sydney has established itself as a culinary capital, and as a hub for performing and creative arts. So, in addition to the conference, there is much to do. In fact, I am sure you will want to come back as you will not have time to see everything on offer. One special event running concurrently with the conference is Vivid Sydney. This is a spectacular lighting event in which the city’s skyscrapers, historic buildings, and major landmarks are illuminated with incredible luminous art. It’s definitely not to be missed! The conference has offered a walking tour around the city on Friday night and we have been inundated with participants!
I would also like to remind you to register for the conference dinner on Saturday night. This is being held in Paddington Town Hall, a historic building in the suburb of Paddington, well known for its beautiful Victorian houses and eclectic dining and shopping. We have great food and entertainment lined up and our singer Anna Saleh ( is a brilliant performer, who will definitely make you want to hit the dance floor!
Our chapter has continued its seminar program, although we are taking a hiatus for the conference. So far, we have had great presentations from Howard Bacal (USA), Andrew Samuels (UK), and Steven Knoblauch (USA). Later in the year, Steven Cooper (USA) and Irwin Hirsch (USA) will deliver much anticipated presentations. All of our presentations can be viewed remotely online, and we have recently had people joining us from Japan and Portugal. Please contact me if you would like more information about our program or if you would like information about how to set up online seminars such as these. They are a great way to bring relational thinking to your own community.
I look forward to seeing you in Sydney very soon!
Dr. Roberto D’Angelo
Suite 33, 8 Hill St,
Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
Email Roberto D’Angelo
Program Announcement from the Mexican Chapter
clic aquí para el español
Instituto de la Familia (IFAC), A.C., and the Mexican chapter of IARPP are delighted to invite you to a clinical workshop entitled “The Resurrection of Agency from the Ashes of War: A Son as Therapist to his Father.” During this workshop Jonathan H. Slavin, PhD (USA), and Miki Rahmani, MA (Israel), will present an analytic therapy through audio clips recorded during sessions, used with permission. During the course of this 18 month treatment, a frozen father-son relationship, along with the patient’s suffocated experience of personal agency, are transformed in the unexpected and dramatic recognition of the father’s own trauma and its effects upon his son.
This event is an opportunity to know the clinical work that is done within the framework of relational psychoanalysis. It will be held at IFAC facilities on Friday, May 5, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. There will be simultaneous translation. Space is limited so it is recommended that you reserve your place by calling IFAC at (52)55 55-50-14-21 and 12-79 or IARPP Mexico between the hours of 3:00 and 7:00 pm at (52) 55 55-23-31-13.
About the presenters:
Jonathan H. Slavin, PhD, ABPP, is Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Adjunct Clinical Professor, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, New York University; Founding Director, Tufts University Counseling Center (1970–2006); Former President of the Division of Psychoanalysis (39), American Psychological Association; and Founding President, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis. Dr. Slavin’s published work has focused on fundamental human elements in the psychoanalytic relationship, including love, sexuality, desire, truthfulness, and personal agency, and their role in the repair of the mind.
Miki Rahmani, M.A., is Chief Psychologist, South Jerusalem Mental Health Center, and Faculty emerita, School of Education, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. In more than 35 years of clinical teaching and consulting she has taught annual courses, seminars, and workshops on the supervisory relationship, the supervisory process in clinical work and in education, and on the treatment process.
Jonathan and Miki have taught seminars and workshops on personal agency in development and treatment, relational perspectives in psychoanalysis, sexuality in development and treatment, and on clinical Supervision in the United States, Israel, Russia, Romania, Armenia, Turkey, China, Canada, and Italy.
Warm regards,
Organizing Committee: Instituto de la Familia, A.C., and IARPP-Mexico
Link to IARPP-Mexico:
Link to IFAC:
Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.
Email Alejandra Plaza
“La resurrección de la agencia de las cenizas de la guerra: un hijo como terapeuta de su padre”
Jonathan H. Slavin, (USA), y Miki Rahmani, (Israel)
“Siempre sentí que una crisis era necesaria para sacudir una relación muerta y desgastada con mis padres”, Kurt escribió, presentándose a quién pronto se convertiría en su terapeuta. Y estaba de hecho atravesando una crisis. Treinta y un años, rodeado por las ruinas de muchas relaciones fracasadas, su vida y ambiciones a la deriva, Kurt se estaba ahogando en un pantano existencial. Kurt no tenía idea de como rescatarse. No tenía ningún trauma infantil, de eso estaba seguro. El recuerdo más sobresaliente que tenía de su infancia era cuando, un día, había bajado al taller que estaba en el sótano para hacer algunas cosas. Su papà había ido a ver que estaba sucediendo. El día siguiente había un gran candado en la puerta, sin ninguna explicación. Esa era la experiencia que Kurt tenía de su padre. El acceso hacia la relación estaba bloqueado. Kurt deseaba sentir “ somos dos hombres juntos, interactuando en el mundo”. En cambio, eran dos hombres separados.
Durante este seminario, presentaremos la terapía de Kurt a través de fragmentos audio grabados durante las sesiones, que utilizamos con su permiso. Durante los 18 mese que duró su tratamiento, la relación padre-hijo, que estaba congelada, se transformó en un inesperado y dramático reconocimiento del trauma del padre y del efecto que este tuvo sobre su hijo. La discusión de esta terapia tendrá como centro la manera en la que el trauma se transmite y se construye dentro de las familias en las transacciones interpersonales que oprimen la agencia, y cómo estos caminos congelados hacia la agencia pueden ser destrabados durante el tratamiento. Se espera que el detallado material clínico presentado favorezca una considerable interacción entre todo el público. El cupo es limitado, por lo que se recomienda inscribirse en IFAC al (52)55 55-50-14-21 y 12-79 o IARPP México de 3:00 a 7:00 pm al (52) 55 55-23-31-13.
Biografías de los conductores:
Jonathan H. Slavin, PhD, ABPP, es Clinical Instructor en Psicología en el Departamento de Psiquiatría de la Harvard Medical School; es Adjunct Clinical Professor del Programa de Posgrado en Psicoterapia y Psicoanálisis de la New York University; es Founding Director del Tufts University Counseling Center (1970–2006); Former President de la División de Psicoanálisis (39) de la American Psychological Association; y Founding President del Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis. Las publicaciones del Dr. Slavin se han concentrado sobre los elementos humanos fundamentales en la relación terapéutica, entre ellos: amor, sexualidad, deseo, veracidad y agency personal, y el rol de éstos en reparar la mente.
Miki Rahmani, MA, es Chief Psychologist en el South Jerusalem Mental Health Center, y Faculty emerita, en la School of Education de la Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. En más de 35 años de enseñanza y práctica clínica ha dictado cursos anuales, seminarios y talleres sobre la relación en la supervisión, el proceso de la supervisión el trabajo clínico y en la formación, y sobre el proceso terapéutico.
Jonathan y Miki han dictado seminarios y talleres sobre la agencia personal en el desarrollo y durante la terapia, sobre la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis, sobre la sexualidad en el desarrollo y en terapia, y sobre la supervisión clínica en Estados Unidos, Israel, Rusia, Romania, Armenia, Turquia, China, Canada e Italia.
Les enviamos un cordial saludo,
Comité Organizador IFAC, IARPP–México
Link to IARPP-Mexico:
Link to IFAC:
Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Uxmal 278. Narvarte 03020
Benito Juárez México D.F.
Email Alejandra Plaza
News from the New Zealand Chapter
By Jane Tuson
Greetings to everyone in the IARPP community from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Here in New Zealand the local chapter committee is small but passionate. We are hoping to encourage more members to join us in 2017 so that we can become a more active group.
In February 2016 we had a wonderful two day event during which we hosted Joyce Slochower (USA) and Donna Bassin (USA). It was a rich two days of interaction and discussion which received favorable feedback from attendees.
We were hoping to host Professor Michael O’Loughlin (USA) in November 2016 but unfortunately this had to be cancelled. However there was such a huge response to this event that we are hoping that one day we will be able to welcome Michael back to New Zealand. It was clear that there was a huge interest in his work as the workshop sold out in hours.
The chapter would also like to express our sincere thanks to Andrew Duncan who has resigned as Chair of IARPP-New Zealand. Andrew was a wonderful person to work alongside and his warm, relational style of leading and connecting will be greatly missed. We wish him all the very best.
We are very much looking forward to seeing many of you in Sydney for the International Conference next month. Local chapter members have assisted where possible with colleagues in Australia to help make the visit to our hemisphere a rich and rewarding experience. We are looking forward as a committee to connecting with our relational colleagues from all over the globe.