
Ruth-Lijtmaer-Photo-copyRuth Lijtmaer (USA) presented the following papers:
•  “ When the Analyst is the Other“.
Psychology and the Other Conference.
Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts,  USA,
10-4 to 10-6-13

•  “The Permanence of Pain in Social Trauma“.
IFPE (International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education),
10-31-13 to 11-2-13. Philadelphia, USA

• “ Social Trauma in Latin America: Can we forgive?“.
IARPP (The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy),
11-7-13 to 11-10-13, Santiago, Chile

Sebastiano Santostefano

Sebastiano Santostefano presented:
How the Concepts of Body Image, Cognitive-Emotional Orientation and Enactment Guide Why, When and How to Use Activity in Child and Adult Psychotherapy.
at George Washington University on February 8, 2013:

Sebastiano Santostefano
3 Black Beach Hills Rd.
PO Box 1243, West Falmouth MA 02574
Telephone: 508-457-3142