Publication and Presentation

Publication and Presentation

Publication and Presentation Announcements by Haim Weinberg (USA)

La formazione alla psicoterapia di gruppo online (Online Group Psychotherapy Training)

Weinberg, H. (2023). La formazione alla psicoterapia di gruppo online (Online group psychotherapy training). In I. Ambrosiano & I. Locati (Eds.), La psicoterapie di gruppo online (Online Group Psychotherapy), pp. 89-100. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Becoming a group therapist requires special training. It is not enough to be a skilled individual therapist in order to conduct groups. By the same token, group therapy conducted online needs specific training, since it creates many obstacles and brings to the fore many challenges.

Training for online therapy should focus on the change of the setting and the fact that the group therapist cannot create the holding environment as in in-person groups. We should learn how to share responsibility with group members and how to teach them to take care of the environment to guarantee their privacy. One of the keywords in moving online is flexibility; training should help therapists move away from the rigid traditional approach. Another keyword is creativity, which can help us overcome the difficulty of creating presence and the absence of body-to-body communication.


Weinberg, H., Rolnick A., & Leighton, A. (2023). Introduction. In H. Weinberg, A. Rolnick, & A. Leighton (Eds.), Advances in Online Therapy: Emergence of a New Paradigm, pp. 1-18. Routledge.

In this introductory chapter we explore the advantages and obstacles of online group therapy, including the potential of using online groups to address the growing demand for mental health care. We examine the discrepancies between the therapists’ resistance to online group therapy and the unexpectedly favorable results. We also review the scope of the book. Additionally, we delve into the interpersonal processes present in online group therapy, which are further explored in detail in the book. The chapter provides a brief overview of co-facilitation aspects and the necessary technological advancements to advance the field. Finally, we conclude with our outlook for the future of online group therapy.

Online Training Process Groups for Therapists: A Proposed Model

Weinberg, H. (2023). Online Training Process Groups for Therapists: A Proposed Model, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 73(2): 141-165, 10.1080/00207284.2023.2170236.

This article proposes a new model for online experiential training groups for therapists. Experiential groups are an essential part of training for group therapists. This article summarizes the requirements for becoming a group therapist, reviews the literature about training process groups for therapists, and discusses the dilemmas that are part of these groups. Ethical questions and the difference between training process groups and therapy groups are presented. This training model uses weekly online process group sessions that include a 10-minute didactic discussion at the end of each session, combined with an annual in-person intensive meeting. Group vignettes are included to illustrate group processes. The advantages and disadvantages of this model are discussed, as well as important areas for future research.

Online-Gruppenpsychotherapie. Ist sie effektiv? (Online Group Psychotherapy: Is it Effective?)

Weinberg, H. (2023). Online-Gruppenpsychotherapie. Ist sie effektiv? (Online group psychotherapy: Is it effective?) Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 18(2): 121–125. DOI 10.21706/aep-18-2-121

Online group psychotherapy is a form of mental health treatment that takes place over the internet. This type of therapy allows individuals to receive support and guidance from a therapist and a group of peers in a virtual setting. Online group therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers a convenient and accessible alternative to traditional in-person therapy. In this article, the author explores the benefits of online group psychotherapy. We will also look at the potential challenges and limitations of this type of therapy and how to address them. Overall, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of online group psychotherapy and its potential to help individuals overcome mental health challenges and improve their overall well-being.

Haim Weinberg, Ph.D., CGP
Sacramento, California, USA
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