

Publication Announcements by Spyros Orfanos (USA)

Escape from Kabul: Survival and Moral Injury

Orfanos, S.D. (2024). Escape from Kabul: Survival and moral injury. Psychoanalytic Dialogues,
34:1, 106-113, DOI: 10.1080/10481885.2023.2290274
The terror encountered by women in Afghanistan because of the military withdrawal of the United States and its allies in the summer of 2021 is ongoing. The first part of this paper describes emergency clinical interventions provided to two young university Kabul women wishing to escape the Taliban. The second part of this paper explores ideas about moral injury and this psychologist-psychoanalyst’s motives for focusing on the survival of the two women.

When the Marbles Cried

Orfanos, S. (2024). Absence: Online Exhibit. Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna.
This applied psychoanalytic blog essay uses images and a video clip to advance its argument that the British Museum should return the stolen Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

Nina Coltart’s Independence

Orfanos. S. (2023). Slouching towards Bethlehem… and Further Psychoanalytical Explorations by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021, 224 pp.; How to Survive as a Psychotherapist by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021, 162 pp.; The Baby and the Bathwater by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021 (original work published in 1996), 192 pp.; Slouching towards Bethlehem … and Further Psychoanalytical Explorations, by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021 (Original work published in 1992), 224 pp.; How to Survive as a Psychotherapist, by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021 (Original work published in 1993), 162 pp.; The Baby and the Bathwater, by Nina Coltart, Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester, Oxfordshire, 2021 (Original work published in 1996), 192 pp. [book review], American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 83, 594–601.
A review essay of Nina Coltart’s publications highlighting her personal history, her role in British psychoanalysis, and her independent mind and spirit.

The Humanity of Medea

Orfanos, S. (2023). The humanity of Medea. In R. Pine (Ed.). Greece between East and West: Culture and Geopolitics, pp. 122-131. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
The essay explores Euripides’s ancient play Medea through comparison to a highly creative documentary by Asteris Kutulas titled Recycling Medea.

Supreme Injustice

Orfanos, S. (2023). Supreme Injustice. Gewalt/Violence: Online Exhibit. Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna.
A brief psychological essay on abortion, accompanied by a painting by Sophia Richman.

Spyros D. Orfanos, Ph.D., ABPP
New York, NY, USA
Email Spyros Orfanos