By Chana Ullman (Israel) and Neil Altman (USA)
The Local Chapters Committee met at the recent Toronto conference, with representatives from five of the local committees present. Here are brief reports shared at our meeting:
New Zealand: Lesley Brokenshire reported that the New Zealand chapter recently sponsored three seminars each with about 60 people attending and a waiting list of people for whom there was not space. The chapter plans to reach out to people from outlying areas of New Zealand. The chapter has used Zoom technology to bring in outside speakers. Joyce Slochower was one such presenter. The chapter also hosts post-colloquium discussions and monthly informal dinners for members.
Australia: Annette Conradi and Margie Chodos reported that the Australia chapter sponsored seven seminars this year, including three shared with the New Zealand chapter. The chapter is looking forward to sponsoring the IARPP annual meeting in 2017 in Sydney.
Israel: Sharon Ziv-Beiman and Irit Kleiner-Paz reported that the Israel local chapter has 150 members and about 700 on its mailing list. The chapter has sponsored many visiting presenters this year. Events take place in members’ homes, with about 50 people attending each time. Recent visitors have included Malcolm Slavin, Hazel Ipp, and Jonathan Slavin. An annual open conference was held on the experience of doing therapy in the context of the current political situation in the Middle East. This conference drew 300 participants, and included visitors from the Gaza Strip. The Israel local chapter is putting the finishing touches on its website.
Spain: Rosario Castaño reported on the impressive number of books published by the Spanish local chapter. She also noted that members pay 140 euros to join this local chapter. IARPP-Spain recently (in 2014) presented the First Iberic Conference on Relational Psychoanalysis (and the Fifth Annual IARPP-Spain Meeting). The Sixth Annual IARPP-Spain Meeting will be held in Valencia, Spain, on October 23 and 24, 2015. For more information and to register, here is the conference website: (click here for eNews article about the conference)In addition, IARPP-Spain has been developing training programs and seminars in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Cáceres, Pamplona, and Salamanca, all in conjunction with the Associated Centers of the Institute of Relational Psychotherapy (IPR). Other programs are in progress as well.
Mexico: Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, Anne Marie Maxwell, and Amalia Rivera reported that the Mexico local chapter has a website and a Facebook page. The local chapter sponsors video conferences every month with different relational authors. Fifteen people have signed up for this series of conferences, 11 of whom are IARPP members. Groups in Guadalajara and Monterrey may integrate with the Mexico City-based local chapter. At the meeting, the Mexican representatives sought advice about attracting new members, to which the Israeli representative replied that it helps to have an annual conference open to all interested.
IARPP-Mexico website:
IARPP-Mexico Facebook page:
Click here for local chapter reports
Chana Ullman, PhD
17 Neve Matz
Rehovot 76100
Email Chana Ullman
Neil Altman, PhD (USA)
275 Central Park West #13E
New York, NY 10024
Email Neil Altman