The Cruelty of Silence: The Bystander’s Role in Social Trauma

Presentation Announcement by Ruth Lijtmaer (USA)

(2022). In Implicated Subject and Historical Community Trauma: Towards Acceptance and Transcendence [panel]. International Psychohistory Association, 45th Annual Conference, online, May 19-21.

In this presentation Lijtmaer suggests that the bystander is an active accomplice or passive acceptant of the illegal policies of the government. The bystander’s cruel silence helps propagate the legacies of historical violence, economic exploitation and ecological damage. How can confronting our own and others’ implication in difficult histories lead to new forms of international dialogue and long-distance solidarity? How to hold bystanders accountable for what they do, morally and politically?

Ruth Lijtmaer, Ph.D.
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Email Ruth Lijtmaer