Walking in Stealth: After Pushkin

Book Announcement by Noel Jeffs (Australia)

As a young Friar, Noel Jeffs was fortunate to spend time on his own in reflection and meditation, walking in stealth. The author sees this period as an important moment in his pilgrimage of life. Walking in Stealth, from Moshpit Publishing, demonstrates poetry beyond crisis and has philosophical and theological implications for those living in the first half of the 21st century.

The book provides an eye-opener to a mendicant’s life, led with global tenacity and subject to trial and error. It aims to offer a hermeneutics that exposes life in a new way. Moments of lucidity and exploration are shared in the hope that the reader might also make some sense of what can only ever be one’s own deeply personal journey.


Noel Jeffs SSF is an Anglican Friar originally from Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. The author of Maturing in the Religious Life, and the impending Pilgrims Poetry and Balmain Meditations, Noel enjoys conversation and silence and writing. He holds a master’s degree in Mental Health and has trained as a psychotherapist. He is a LGBTIQ elder and gay activist and is cared for by that community.

Brother Noel Jeffs SSF
Sydney, Australia
Email Noel Jeffs