2021 IARPP Online Symposium

2021 IARPP Online Symposium

The Enemy Within and the Enemy Without: Exclusion and Belonging in Intrapsychic, Interpersonal and Socio-Cultural Experience

October 23, 2021

October 24, 2021

Conference Venue: Online

Conference Location: Online

The Enemy Within and the Enemy Without:
Exclusion and Belonging in Intrapsychic,
Interpersonal and Socio-Cultural Experience


Click here for pdf of program schedule in English.
Click here for pdf of program in Spanish.
Click here for pdf of program in Italian.

Click here for registration and more details about presentations and available CEs.
Registration button at bottom of page above or in menu at top of page.
If you don’t see the menu (schedule, CE info etc) at the top of page click on 3 grey lines in upper right of page above.