Letter from President
Spyros Orfanos

IARPP Farewell
Dear Friends,
Remarkably, for the past two years I have been one of the luckiest men on the face of the earth. Who would not consider it an honor to be president of a membership organization such as IARPP? Who would not have considered it an honor to serve over 1500 members from over 30 nations? Who would not have considered it an honor to have worked with brilliant and dedicated Board members Alejandro Ávila Espada, Tony Bass, Margaret Black, Muriel Dimen, Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi, Hazel Ipp, Steven Knoblauch, Rina Lazar, Barry Magid, Gianni Nebbiosi, Tessa Philips, Judy Pickles, Phil Ringstrom, Andrew Samuels, Malcolm Slavin, Joyce Slochower, Donnel Stern, Chana Ullman, and Sharon Ziv-Beiman? And then there was the honor of interacting with the innovative co-editors of this newsletter Sally Rudoy and Sharon Ziv-Bieman. They made each issue such sheer delight to read. And, if that were not enough, there was the consistent scholarly pleasure of following the colloquia as moderated deftly by Galit Atlas-Koch and Steven Kuchuck and the in-depth webinars of Ilene Philipson and John Skrovan.
Being the social animal that I am, the 2011 Madrid conference lead by Alejandro Ávila Espada and Ramon Riera and then the 2012 New York conference lead by Margaret Black and Hazel Ipp reminded me of my strong yearning for connections with colleagues that have a relational aesthetic. The conferences satisfied my yearning! What extraordinary learning opportunities the leaders of IARPP provide! How can I not consider myself one of the luckiest men on this complex, great planet?
IARPP has vitality. IARPP is a united and growing group of volunteers. IARPP is financially healthy. Happily, I can say that we are stronger in numbers and in spirit and more internationalized than we were two years ago. Now with the wonderful Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi as the incoming president starting in 2013 I feel even more confident that we will find ways to improve performance and connection in the future. I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for service. As I take my leave as president, I toast with a symbolic glass of champagne to the promising future of IARPP and wish all of us health and strength and peace and