IARPP 10th Anniversary Conference 2012
March 1-4 | New York City
The Legacy of Stephen Mitchell
Sustaining Creativity in our Psychoanalytic Work |

Painting of Stephen Mitchell by Philip Ringstrom
Lew Aron 2001-2003
Stuart Pizer 2004-2005
Hazel Ipp 2006-2008
Jeremy Safran 2009-2010
“Exploring the Dynamics of the
Supervisory Dyad–In Vivo”
On the morning of Sunday, March 4, 2012 there will be 8 concurrent invited panel discussions. Please click here to see a description of all panels. In this eNews participants, Emanuel Berman and Philip Ringstrom reflect on what their panel will attempt with a live and improvisatory presentation.
Emauel Berman |
self portrait Philip Ringstrom |
Other Desert Cities
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
by J.J. Lee |
IARPP Around the Globe |
Katarina K. Erzar, PhD
Ljubljana, Slovenia |
by Maria Tammone,
Rome Italy |
IARPP Members Expanding Relational Thought |
Mother, Infants
and Young Children of
September 11, 2001:
A Primary Prevention Project
edited by: Beatrice Beebe,
Phyllis Cohen,
K. Mark Sossin, & Sara Markese
Letters |
Spyros Orfanos |
Sally Rudoy & Sharon ZivBieman |

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