2016 Webinar: Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy – William Cornell

Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Faculty: William Cornell

Open date: February 1, 2016

Close date: February 14, 2016

Description by William Cornell:
My primary intention in writing Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy was to provide an accessible account of bringing systematic attention to the somatic experience of therapist and patient alike and to the use of direct body-level interventions in the practice of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy.  For the purposes of this webinar, I have chosen Chapter 1, My body is unhappy, and Chapter 6, Traces of the other: Encounters with character, as the readings to be discussed among the participants.  I think these chapters provide case examples and theoretical discussions that illustrate quite specifically a range of body-centered techniques, including touch, movement, verbal inquiry and description, and sensate focusingall within a psychoanalytically based approach to treatment.  It is my hope that this webinar will afford participants the opportunity for in-depth clinical discussions regarding body-centered techniques as a means of deepening and utilizing nonverbal and subsymbolic modes of expression in verbally based psychotherapies.  We will also discuss the risks, limitations and biases that need to be considered in extending our clinical work to a more sustained attention to the somatic domains of organization and experience.

The reading for this webinar will be provided to all registrants. All registrants will also receive a discount on purchase of William Cornells book “Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy


William F. Cornell, M.A., TSTA-P, studied behavioral psychology at Reed College in Portland, Oregon and phenomenological psychology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He followed his graduate studies with training in transactional analysis and body-centered psychotherapy. Since those trainings, Bill has studied with several mentors and consultants within psychoanalytic perspectives.  He introduced and edited The Healers Bent: Solitude and dialogue in the clinical encounter, the collected papers of James T. McLaughlin.  A co-editor of the Transactional Analysis Journal, Bill is the author of Explorations in Transactional Analysis: The Meech Lake Papers, Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: In the expressive language of the living, Une Vie Pour Etre Soi, and a co-author and editor to the forthcoming Into TA: A comprehensive textbook, as well as numerous articles and book chapters.   He is a recipient of the Eric Berne Memorial Award and the European Association for Transactional Analysis Gold Medal, in recognition of his writing.