2017 October 2-15 Child & Adolescent

Therapist‘s and Patient’s Subjectivities as Parents: Mutual Influences

Faculty: Leslie Gibson, Steven Tuber, Neil Altman, Jackie Gotthold, Frances La Barre, (USA), Macarena Lopez (Chile)

Moderators: Marco Bernabei (Italy) and Aleksandra Misiolek (Spain)

Open date: October 2, 2017

Close date: October 15, 2017

IARPP and the members of the new IARPP Child Adolescent and Parent Psychotherapy Committee are pleased to announce an upcoming webinar for IARPP members

Readings will include Leslie Gibson’s chapter “The Therapist’s Experience as Parent” from Steven Tuber book “Parenting” (2016) Readings will be provided to all registrants.

How does the therapist‘s experience as a parent influence her/his clinical work and vice-versa?  What aspects of the therapist’s subjectivity as parent is he/she playing with while working with his/her patients (whether  children, adolescents, young adults, adults or parental couples)?  This is the topic of IARPP’s Webinar Colloquiun organized by the Child, Adolescent, Parents Psychotherapy Committee which is scheduled from Monday, October 2 to Sunday, October 16, 2017. Marco Bernabei (Florence, Italy) and Aleksandra Misiolek (Barcelona, Spain) will moderate the colloquium.  The faculty is composed of Neil Altman, Jackie Gotthold, Frances La Barre, Leslie Gibson and Steve Tuber (all from New York), and Macarena Lopez (Santiago, Chile).  Leslie Gibson is also the author of the  paper “The Therapist’s Experience as Parent: The Complex  Interaction Between Parent Process and Clinical Work” that will be used as a theoretical and clinical frame for the Webinar.  Steve Tuber is also the editor of the book Parenting (Rowman & Littlefield, New York , 2016) in which Gibson’s article was published.

The paper by Leslie Gibson that the Child, Adolescent, Parents Psychotherapy Committee (composed of Anne Marie Sacramone, Co-Chair –USA; Susanna Federici, Co-Chair, Italy; Esther Bamberger – Israel; Marco Bernabei – Italy; Amy Joelson – USA ; Frances Labarre  – USA; Raimundo Guerra – Spain ; Aleksandra Misiolek – Spain; Macarena Lopez Magnasco – Chile; Fabia Banella – Italy, liaison with IARPP Candidate Committee) has chosen for this colloquium examines the interaction between our clinical work with parents and the parent-clinician’s experience of parenting and development as a parent. One of the topics Gibson questions is: “What are the reverberations and the vulnerabilities experienced when the parent-clinician’s own experience as a parent is triggered by working with the parents of her/his child, early adolescent or late adolescent patients?” She speaks to the inevitable dialectic as the clinician’s process as parent impacts and contributes to the conceptualization and actions in clinical work with parents and children.  Gibson observes in the paper, as every parent knows, that raising children creates an opportunity for growth and resolution of past conflicts as unresolved experiences from the past are triggered in day-to-day interactions between parents and children. Gibson argues that working with parents when clinicians are raising children creates new layers of liability and interesting possibilities for growth for both clinicians and the parents they work with. Working closely with parents allows the parent-clinician a different window into understanding their own experiences and identifications as a parent as well as the process unfolding in the here and now of a treatment.  She further argues that just as a child’s and/or adolescent’s struggles can challenge one’s sense of self as a good-enough parent, the clinician’s experience working with parents and children or adolescents can also challenge one’s experience of self as a good-enough parent/good-enough clinician.  Finally, Gibson looks at how the parent-clinician is seen by parents, and how this introduces another layer of complexity not only to the clinical process but also to the parent-clinician’s sense of self, particularly as one’s parenting role shifts over time.

Her last two questions are: “Is the clinician experienced as the idealized perfect parent or as a naïve or perhaps aging clinician, unaware of, or out of touch with parents’ daily experiences, struggles or different socio-cultural experiences? What is the clinician’s response and how does one recognize and avoid an all-knowing or judgmental parent-clinician role that may evolve in response to the clinical work or the clinician’s own process as a parent? “ Furthermore, as parent-clinicians confront the shifting centrality in the lives of their  own children, Gibson notes that we must find ways to incorporate, respond to, or make sense of how we are seen by the parents we work with as well as our own shifting identity as parents.

Gibson’s paper specifically moves between clinical examples and personal vignettes with the express purpose of opening a dialogue about this unexamined aspect of clinical work.


MarcoBernabei is a faculty member of ISIPSE’, Italian Training Institute in Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis, of IARPP  and of IARPP’s Child Adolescen tand Parent Psychotherapy Committee, of IAPSP (International Associationfor Psychoanalytic Association) and of Ferenczi Association. He’s teaching in Isipsè how to work with parents with a relational-systemic approach. The topic of his main papers published in books and in international or Italian reviews is about the clinical work with children, adolescents, young adults and their parents. He works in private practice in Rome and Florence with children, adolescents, young adults, parents/parental couples and adults.

Aleksandra Misiolek, Ph.D., is a psychologist and certified psychotherapist in a private psychological practice in Barcelona, Spain. Expert in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Expert in Brief and Focal Intersubjective Psychotherapy. Specializes in Couples Therapy and Eating disorders psychotherapy. Invited lecturer at the Silesian Medical University, Poland. IARPP member and IARPP-Spain Secretary. Member of the IARPP Child, Adolescent & Parent Psychotherapy Committee.


Leslie Gibson, PhD, is a visiting faculty member in the Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program and a graduate of the Couples Psychotherapy Program at the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.  She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from City College, City University of NY.  She maintains a private practice in Dobbs Ferry, NY working with children, adolescents, parents, individuals, couples and families.

Steve Tuber, Ph.D, ABPP is Professor of Psychology, Program Head and Director of Clinical Training of the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at the City College of New York, CUNY. He is the author of six critically acclaimed books and over 100 papers on the intersections of assessment and treatment in children, adolescents and adults.

Neil Altman is faculty at the William Alanson Institute in New York City, Honorary Member of the William Alanson White Society, and Visiting faculty at Ambedkar University of Delhi, India.  He is Editor Emeritus and Associate Editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, Associate Editor and Board Member of the Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, and the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Child Psychotherapy. He was a Founding Board Member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.  His most recent book is Psychoanalysis in Times of Accelerating Cultural Change: Spiritual Globalization (2015). He also is author of The Analyst in the Inner City: Race, Class and Culture through a Psychoanalytic Lens, (2010) and co-author of Relational Child Psychotherapy (2002). Dr. Altman has published over 60 journal articles.

Jackie Gotthold, Psy.D. is a faculty member, supervisor and training analyst for the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity. Jackie is also a faculty member and supervisor for the Minnesota Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She has taught at several other psychoanalytic institutes in the United States and abroad.
Jackie is a member of the International Council for the Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, where she chaired the Child and Adolescent Initiative for several years and contributed to the advisory board. Jackie is a member of IARPP’s Child, Adolescent and Family Treatment interest group. As part of the American Psychological Association’s Division 39, Section II (Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis Section), Jackie serves as a board member for the section.
Jackie has presented nationally and internationally, as well as published on topics related to psychoanalytic theory and practice. Those topics include;  Self Psychological/Relational theory and the treatment of children and adolescents, an exploration of the work of the Boston Process of Change Study Group’s work, and a consideration of therapeutic action in the treatment of adults and children.
Most recently, Jackie was a guest co-editor for an issue of Psychoanalysis, Self and Context: a collection of international child and adolescent therapy paper in celebration of the work of Anna Ornstein.
Jackie treats children, adolescents and adults in private practice in New York City.

Frances LaBarre, Ph.D.,is a psychologist psychoanalyst in private practice in NYC where she works with individual adults, couples, parents and children.  Dr. LaBarre is Co-director of the Parent-Infant/Toddler Research Nursery, and a supervising analyst at the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center and the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy.  She lectures and teaches both in the United States and in Europe.  Her books, On Moving and Being Moved: Nonverbal Behavior in Clinical Practice, The Analytic Press, 2001, and The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Therapeutic Change, (co-author R. Frank), The Analytic Press, 2011, and her articles (for example, LaBarre, F. Stuck in Vertical, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2008) are known for her unique application of movement studies to understanding interactive dynamics in many settings, and particularly in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Macarena López Magnasco is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Also works in Centro Nevería, an Adiction Center in Santiago. Studied Clinical psychology at Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Santiago. Chile. Diploma in Group, Families and Couples Therapy, by ACHPAG (Chilean Association of Analytic Group Therapy) and FLAPAG. Participates in Study and Supervision Groups of vincular and relational psychoanalysis. Member of Chilean Adolescent Society, ACHPAG, FLAPAG and IARPP. Represents the IARPP Child, Adolescent and Parent Chapter of International IARPP for Chile. Teaches to pre and post graduated students in various Chilean Universities. Published in various psychology magazines and books.
Mother of two adolescents.