2018 Candidates Webinar

Love and Hate in the Analytic Relationship

Faculty: Jody Messler Davies, PhD

Open date: January 15, 2018

Close date: February 4, 2018

This seminar will explore the inevitable presence of these two strong emotional strains in the relationship between patient and analyst. Are they inevitable? When should they be addressed, and when should they be left implicit? Is analytic love a necessary precondition of therapeutic action? Is analytic love different from other forms of love, and if so how is it different? We will discuss all of these questions and many more. Our focus will be on the clinical material provided in the two target papers as well as the clinical material presented by participants.

Designed SPECIFICALLY and only for candidates and early-career psychoanalysts/relationally trained psychotherapists, webinars sponsored by the Candidates Committee provide opportunities to learn from some of the most accomplished members of our community, as well as a chance to interact with an international group of peers.

Readings will include two new and as of yet unpublished articles:

  1. “How Do We Love Thee: The Conundrum of Analytic Love,” by Jody Messler Davies
  1. “Killing the Patient with Kindness: Re-conceptualizing Empathic Attunement from the Dark Side of the Therapeutic Relationship,” by Jody Messler Davies

ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS DECEMBER 27,  2017. An email will be sent to IARPP Members with instructions to register.

This webinar is limited to 75 participants. Admission is open to candidates and those who have completed analytic training within the past five years. We welcome those for whom English is not their first language.

IARPP webinars are free for first-time registrants. For those who have participated in any of our prior web seminars, a nominal registration fee of $10 will be charged, payable by credit card.

Jody Messler Davies, PhD, is Editor in Chief Emeritus, and current associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues: A Journal of Relational Perspectives; Faculty, Supervisor and former co-chair of the Relational Track, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis; Founding Vice President of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; Founding Member of the Stephen A Mitchell Center for Relational Psychoanalysis. She is on the editorial boards of Gender and Sexuality and Psychoanalytic Perspectives, and is also Faculty and Supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, The Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, and The Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles.    Dr. Davies is co-author (with Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea) of Treating the Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Psychoanalytic Perspective. She is currently at work on a new book, Transformations of Desire and Despair: Clinical Implications of the Theoretical Shift to a Relational Perspective. Dr. Davies has written over 40 published papers on the topics of trauma, dissociation, multiplicity of self organization and termination, as well as a series of papers on sexual and erotic aspects of transference/ countertransference process.

Hope to meet you in the seminar group!

Sincerely yours,

The members of the IARPP Candidates Committee:
Hilary Offman, co-chair (Canada)
Maria José Mezzera, co-chair (Chile)
Kim Bernstein (United States)
Gadit Orian (Israel)
Sandra Toribio (Spain)
Fabia Banella (Italy)
Erik Fagerberg (Sweden)
Leena Chaugule (Australia)
Margaret Black Mitchell (IARRP Board Liaison)