Time in Practice: Temporality, Intersubjectivity, and Listening Differently
Book Announcement by Mary Lynne Ellis (UK)
Time in Practice: Temporality, Intersubjectivity, and Listening Differently explores the diverse ways in which individuals ‘live’ time, consciously and unconsciously. Challenging the psychoanalytic emphasis on the past as determinative, Mary Lynne Ellis explores the significance of present and future dimensions of individuals’ experiences which catalyses change in the analytical relationship.
Through critical analyses of the theorising of Freud, Jung, Klein, Winnicott and Lacan, Ellis highlights the limitations of spatial metaphors, binaries of ‘inner/outer,’ in addressing the sociopolitical and historical specificity of patients’ experiences, including questions of identity and discrimination. She explores how intersectional and interdisciplinary perspectives allow for the development of new interpretations of temporality/ intersubjectivity/language/embodiment in analytical practices. Time in Practice reflects on the dynamism of conceptualisations emergent in autobiography, fiction, phenomenological and postmodern philosophy, gender, post-colonial, queer and cultural studies, for contemporary relational psychoanalytic practices.
This revised and updated Routledge edition includes discussion of experiences of loss, vulnerability, mortality, inequalities, and powerlessness associated with the profound impact of the spread of the coronavirus, climate change, and the Ukraine war. It also includes a new chapter on mourning, time, and identities.
The book’s cover image is the author’s own artwork, a collage: Lines of Time (2022).
Mary Lynne Ellis, MA Art Therapy, Dip. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, MA Modern European Philosophy, is a relational analytical/phenomenological psychotherapist in private practice in London. With nearly forty years’ experience, she has also worked as an art therapist in the UK National Health Service and the voluntary sector. Her teaching and lecturing, in UK, Ireland and Chile, and her many publications focus on questions of language, identities, and embodiment in relational analytical psychotherapy. She is co-author, with Noreen O’Connor, of Questioning Identities: Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Practice (Routledge). She is also a visual artist.
Mary Lynne Ellis, MA Art Therapy, Dip. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, MA Modern European Philosophy
London, England, UK
Email Mary Lynne Ellis