Article Announcement by Paul Renn (UK)
Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis. Volume 12, p. 71-82, 2018.
This paper questions whether the too rigid implementation of ethical codes may have the unintended consequence of militating against the development of a constructive working alliance. It explores the implications for the therapeutic process of the taboo on money matters and emphasizes the potential benefits and pitfalls of enactments and self-disclosure. The author notes the gap in training regarding the therapist’s sexual desire for the patient and how to work ethically with the erotic transference/countertransference. The empirical finding that a solid therapeutic alliance is the best predictor of positive outcome is highlighted, as is the need, at times, to go beyond technical recommendations in order to repair inevitable ruptures to therapeutic relationship.
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Paul Renn
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
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