Adjusting Group Therapy to Asian Cultures

Chapter Announcement by Haim Weinberg (USA)

(2022). In Cultural Diversity, Groups and Psychotherapy around the World [electronic resource], Cristina Martinez-Taboada & Márcia Honig (Eds.). International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, pp. 168-187.

While developing a group psychotherapy program for Asian countries (Japan, China, Singapore and Indonesia), I became aware of individualistic Western tacit assumptions in group therapy modalities that might not suit some collectivist cultures that are typical of the East. One example is the way that those cultures relate to conflict; another clear difference is the relation with authority. Some of these differences stem from the social unconscious of people in the far East. This chapter brings case studies from training groups I led in those countries and describes how I adjusted the theories and my leading style to the social unconscious of my group participants.
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Haim Weinberg, Ph.D., CGP
Sacramento, California, USA
Email Haim Weinberg