Led by Margaret Black Mitchell (USA), our group consists of analytic candidates from all over the world who come together to create a place where the focus is specifically on and for candidates and early career psychoanalysts.
Our annual webinar is led by Gianni Nebbiosi (Italy) and Susanna Federici (Italy) on“Mimetic Understanding in Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis.” For three weeks (currently underway and running through February 8) we are reading and learning from Nebbiosi’s and Federici’s papers in conversation with candidates from all over the world. Designed specifically and exclusively for candidates and early career psychoanalysts and relationally trained psychotherapists, these webinars provide rich opportunities to learn from some of the most accomplished members of our community, as well as the chance to interact with an international group of peers.

At the upcoming conference in Tel Aviv (June 20–23, 2019), the Candidates Panel theme will be “The Role of Imagination in Becoming a Therapist.” Candidates often come into psychoanalytic work with a sense of imagination and wonder as to what it means to be a therapist, ideas that are emergent and growing within themselves, not just acquired and shaped by the work of training. Relational psychoanalysis embraces the idea that change in the analytic couple is always mutual, with transformations occurring in both therapist and patient. How does imagination enhance these intertwined processes of mutual growth? Can we think of imagination as the ability to play and dream together (without becoming delusional or falling asleep)?

For this panel, we sought papers offering a clinical perspective on the experience of candidates actively engaged in imagining their patients’ change and potential while at the same time being immersed in the process of becoming and imagining themselves as therapists. We received 10 proposals from candidates all over the world and had the difficult task of choosing three. Our panel will comprise papers by Angelica Tsikli (Greece), Miriam deRiso (USA) and Dafna Katzir-Goldenboum (Israel).
Also during the Tel Aviv conference, our Committee will be holding its annual Candidates’ Reception, where candidate members have a wonderful opportunity to meet some of IARPP’s best-known writers and speakers in a casual, collegial and welcoming setting.
We hope to see you there.
Sandra Toribio Caballero (Spain) and Gadit Orian (Israel), Co-Chairs
Sandra Toribio
Email Sandra Toribio
Gadit Orian
Email Gadit Orian