Child, Adolescent and Parent Psychotherapy

Members of the Child, Adolescent and Parent Psychotherapy Committee, like all of you, continue dealing with the pandemic. We presented a panel at the 2022 conference in Los Angeles in June. For the first time since our inaugural pre-conference program in Rome in 2016, Susi Frederici and I were the only committee members who attended the conference. But I didn’t really attend, because I did not understand the adaptations I would have to make to fly across the country in a mask. I ended up in the conference hotel room, too sick to attend most of the conference! In spite of all this, with lots of quick adapting by the conference organizers and panelists, our committee presented a panel. Susan Goodman, Seth Aronson and Francesca Swartz presented papers about their work with children and had a lively discussion with attendees … so I heard!

Our most recent Child, Adolescent and Parent webinar was about the adaptations we have made to work with children during the pandemic, and the changes from playing in the office to playing online. At the June conference many of us confronted how and why we are managing to learn how to play together in person again … or still on screens.

Our next Child, Adolescent and Parent Psychotherapy Committee webinar will be held in the new year. Where will our psychoanalytic work with children, adolescents and parents be then?

Ann Marie Sacramone (USA), Co-Chair

Ann Marie Sacramone, LP
New York, NY
Emaill Ann Marie Sacramone