The next IARPP Colloquium will take place online in May. Robert Grossmark’s (USA) recent paper, “Psychoanalytic Companioning” (Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2016:698-712), will be discussed by an international panel as well as by the author. Panelists scheduled to participate are: Roni Baht (Israel), Duncan Cartwright (South Africa), Stavros Charlambides (Greece), Lisa Director (USA), David Lichtenstein (USA), Juan Jose Martinez Ibanez (Spain), Marie Jose Mezzara (Chile), Donnel Stern (USA), Anne Marie Swan (Australia) and Maria Tammone (Italy).
The colloquium will take place via email from Saturday, May 11 through Thursday, May 23, 2019. The paper will be made available to all IARPP members on the IARPP website shortly before the colloquium.
We extend our thanks to Robert Grossmark and all the panelists for agreeing to take part in this important project which allows IARPP members to engage together as a thinking community.
Rina Lazar (Israel) and Adrienne Harris (USA), Co-Chairs
Rina Lazar
Email Rina Lazar
Adrienne Harris
Email Adrienne Harris