Daniel Shaw

Chapter Announcement by Daniel Shaw (USA)

Freud and Jung: Submission and Surrender to the Unconscious

(2020). In: The Unconscious: Contemporary Refractions in Psychoanalysis. Eds., P. Sauvayre and D. Braucher. New York, NY: Routledge.

In this chapter, originally presented at the William Alanson White Institute in January 2018 as a discussion of a paper by Michael Monhart on the Jungian Unconscious, Shaw contrasts Jung’s conception of the unconscious to Freud’s, using Emmanuel Ghent’s way of understanding the difference between submission and surrender. The author suggests that Freud saw the unconscious as that to which we either submit or as that which we seek to subjugate. Jung, by contrast, saw the unconscious as the source of wisdom, creativity and transcendence and suggested surrender to the unconscious as the means toward individuation and self-realization.



Daniel Shaw, LCSW
211 W. 56th St., Suite 5K
New York, NY 10019
Email Daniel Shaw