Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self: A Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment

Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self: A Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment

Book Announcement by Tomás Casado-Frankel (USA)

Through the examination of a single case study of a pregnant teenage girl in Madrid, Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self: A Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment weaves together the lived experiences of a young therapist attempting to maintain a reflective stance during a stormy journey with his adolescent patient as they navigate and ultimately overcome the profound effects of early relational trauma on the development of the self.

Co-authors Tomás Casado-Frankel and María Eugenia Herrero deepen readers’ understanding of attachment disorders and their clinical presentation while allowing for a uniquely human view of the interactions between patient and clinician. Their clinical account, rendered in a poetic prose, invites readers to travel with the clinician, thinking and feeling in tandem with his subjective experiences, and to explore psychoanalytic and systems theory as a means to understand clinical relationships that are seldom written about with such vulnerability. By giving form to the resilience of both patient and clinician, their mutual strength through “tears of change,” this book from Routledge expounds upon the behavioral consequences and the treatment of psychopathologies associated with early relational trauma.


Tomás Casado-Frankel, MA, LMFT, is faculty and supervisor in the Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program at the William Alanson White Institute. He is a graduate of that program and White’s psychoanalytic program. He is also a graduate of the Couple & Family Therapy program at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, and he holds a postgraduate diploma in Conflict & Dispute Resolution Studies from Trinity College in Dublin. He is in private practice in New York City.

María Eugenia Herrero, MD, Ph.D., holds specialties in Psychiatry (Madrid), Forensic Psychiatry (Madrid), and Family Psychotherapy (Tavistock Clinic/San Pablo CEU, London & Madrid). She founded Project Sirio in 1998 and was the director of its two therapeutic communities for 22 years. The Project treats children and adolescents who have histories of severe neglect and/or abuse. Many have attachment-related difficulties or disorders and exhibit traits of, or are at risk of developing, borderline personality disorder. She is in private practice in Madrid.

Tomás Casado-Frankel, MA, LMFT
New York, NY, USA
Email Tomás Casado-Frankel

María Eugenia Herrero, MD, Ph.D.
Madrid, Spain
Email María Eugenia Herrero