Elisabeth Hanscombe

Publication Announcement by Elisabeth Hanscombe (Australia)

A finger laid upon the lips: the silencing of incest. Meanjin Quarterly (Australian literary journal), Summer 2019.

This essay explores the extent to which, despite its prevalence, incest remains underrepresented in the public discourse. Hanscombe tracks the history of incest and looks at ways in which certain trends, such as the emergence of false memory syndrome, further block our willingness to reflect on incest’s pernicious effects. Furthermore, keeping incest away from public concern and instead private reinforces neoliberal efforts to maintain the sovereignty of the patriarchal family. Recent efforts to deal with institutionalized sexual abuse have also served to push aside awareness that what happens in broader society begins at home. The #MeToo movement is enabling greater awareness of the extent of sexual abuse, but its focus is not on incest per se, notably the psychological damage that arises when the adult family member in whom a child places greatest trust violates him or her and at the same time demands he or she stay silent. The ongoing insistence that we not speak openly about incest, by reinforcing the shame of those thus abused, becomes a significant block to reducing its frequency.


Elisabeth Hanscombe, PhD
Melbourne, Australia
Email Elisabeth Hanscombe