From the Editors

Dear IARPP Community,

Greetings from Los Angeles and Rome as we send you our final issue as co-editors of the IARPP Bookshelf and eNews and introduce our new editor, Matt Aibel (USA), who lives and practices in New York.

Matt Aibel

Having co-edited the Bookshelf and eNews for the past five years, we have valued our international collaboration as well as the many friendships and connections forged with our colleagues around the world.  Maria in particular notes what a great privilege it has been to add her voice from Italy, a country that is so active in the IARPP community.  We will not be leaving IARPP, however; Maria is now a member of the IARPP Board, and Christina will soon join Carmine Schettini (Italy) as co-chair of the Webinar Committee.

We thank the IARPP board and community for their support, and wish to acknowledge the invaluable help and guidance given by IARPP administrators Valerie Ghent and Elisa Zazzera.  We feel the eNews is an important communication tool for our international community, and are proud to have contributed to our organization’s success.  We know the Bookshelf and eNews are in good hands with Matt and his soon-to-be-named international co-editor.

In this, our final issue of the eNews, we are pleased to include news from our international chapters around the world as well as updates from the various committees at IARPP.  In particular, please note the news from the Colloquium Committee as it prepares to launch its next online discussion of one of Avgi Saketopoulou’s (USA) papers, as well as the call for papers for our upcoming international conference in Tel Aviv next June.  This issue also features reports from several committees who featured panels at our recent conference in New York City, as well as a selection of photos submitted by our members.

See below for a detailed list of all articles in this issue of the IARPP eNews; you can click on any item below to be taken directly to it and the rest of the eNews.  Also, please see below for information about submitting items to an upcoming issue of the IARPP Bookshelf or eNews.  The next deadline for submissions is October 31, 2018.


Christina Emanuel and Maria Tammone

(Click here to go to August 2018 eNews)


Letter from the IARPP President


Imagining with Eyes Wide Open: Report from the 2019 Tel Aviv Conference Committee

News from the Muriel Dimen Fellowship Committee

A Vitalizing Experience for Early-career Clinicians: Report from the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee

News from the Candidates Committee

Gallery – 2018 Conference, NYC

News from International Chapters










News from the Web Seminar Committee

Report from the Colloquium Committee

Submissions to the eNews and Bookshelf:

We invite all IARPP members to submit announcement of their publications and presentations.  Our next deadline for submissions will be October 31, 2018.
 Please read below for instructions to submit pieces for future editions of the Bookshelf and eNews.  Also, note that we will not accept announcements of presentations or papers given at IARPP conferences or other IARPP venues.

When submitting articles to the Bookshelf and eNews, please include the following:

  1.  The title of your book, article, or presentation
  2.  A brief description of the content, such as an abstract
  3.  A link to a publisher if there is one
  4.  Artwork or a photo of the book cover if applicable
  5. For presentations, please spell out all acronyms and include the location
  6. A photograph of yourself in jpeg format
  7.  Your professional contact information for our readers as you would like it to appear publicly

Please send all submissions to Matt Aibel at

Christina Emanuel, MFT, PsyD
16 S. Oakland Ave., Suite 201
Pasadena, CA 91101   USA
Email Christina Emanuel



Maria Tammone, MD
Via Montegrappa 46
00048 Nettuno/Roma   Italia
Email Maria Tammone