International Chapter Committee

Dear all,

As you will read, IARPP chapters are continuing to offer a wide range of activities, providing education and ongoing professional development as well as inspiration to their members. The chapter reports highlight how much they are managing to accomplish despite the limitations imposed by COVID, and we would like to thank their committees for the enormous amount of hard work and commitment that goes into achieving this, especially in these very difficult times.

One of the main functions of the chapters is to a provide a place of meeting and professional support to members, but also as a place from which a Relational approach can be communicated to the broader psychotherapeutic and mental health community. Most chapter events are currently still offered online due to COVID restrictions. As a perhaps unexpected benefit of this, many of the chapters are finding that their locally offered activities are drawing increasing participation by members from other chapters and more broadly from within the IARPP community. Many chapters are also actively engaging in various ways with their local mental health communities, fostering both interest and understanding of Relational thinking.

Representatives of 12 chapters met for an online International Chapters Committee meeting at the end of May, and we were very happy that Susi Federici was able to join us for the first part of the meeting. These meetings are valued by participants as opportunities for opening an enriching connection and ‘cross fertilization’ between chapters: sharing concerns, experience, knowledge and ideas. At the meeting in May there was also recognition and a lot of discussion about the importance of reaching out and communicating at a personal level to support colleagues in countries or regions experiencing particular hardship and suffering.

Another online ICC meeting will be held at the end of August.

Sending our best wishes to all.

Juan Francisco Jordan (Chile) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia), Co-chairs

Juan Francisco Jordan
Santiago, Chile
Email Juan Francisco Jordan




Marianne Kennedy
Belmain, Australia
Email Marianne Kennedy