Dear all,
We are very pleased to announce that we welcomed two new IARPP chapters in December 2019 to further broaden our international membership. They are: Bucharest, Romania, with Valentin Miu (Email Valentin Miu) as President, and a second Argentinian chapter, IARPP-Buenos Aires, with Carlos Nemirovsky (Email Carlo Nemirovsky) as President.
We now have 13 international IARPP chapters, as well a number of other local interest groups and several more which are well on the way to forming chapters. Both new chapters have already established a strong core group of members and are planning various activities. We look forward to hearing from them in future issues of the Bulletin.
In this extraordinary time, however, when COVID has overtaken our lives and we are in various degrees of lockdown, it seems that most of the chapters have suspended or limited their activities for the time being, as their members focus on dealing with the personal and professional demands of this crisis. We have also deferred a planned meeting of the International Chapters Committee but are continuing communication among the chapters online, as it seems we are all currently doing in every aspect of our lives!
The reports in this bulletin from Chile, Greece-Athens, Greece-Thessaloniki, Israel, Mexico and Portugal bring us up-to-date with what has been happening in their chapters. As many others have commented, it has been wonderful to experience through the Open Forum how closely connected we are across the globe.
Sending our very best wishes for health and safety for all,
Juan Francisco Jordan (Chile) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia), Co-chairs
Juan Francisco Jordan
Email Juan Francisco Jordan
Marianne Kennedy
Email Marianne Kennedy