Israel – 2019 Conference

Finalizing conference planning for “imagination with eyes wide open”

Registration to the IARPP 2019 Conference in Tel Aviv will be open soon

We invite you to join us for a rich conference experience featuring nearly 250 papers and plenaries as well as an Imaginarium “concept evening.” What does it mean to imagine with eyes wide open? What do we as Relational thinkers have to say about imagination, trauma and eroticism in our theoretical and clinical work? And how will our special context in the complex situation of Israel and the region affect our ability to imagine?

Registration to the IARPP 2019 Conference in Tel Aviv will be open soon. We look forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv in June 2019.




Conference co-chairs
Steven Kuchuck, LCSW (USA)




Ilana Laor Ph.D. (Israel)




Dan Friedlander, MA (Israel)




Tami Dror Sheiber, MA (Israel)