Dear Fellow IARPP Members,
We are pleased to launch another issue of the IARPP eNews.
The new design of the IARPP eNEWS is interwoven with the meaningful and emotional stories that the chairs and participants tell about their experiences at IARPP’s annual conference held in Santiago last November 2013. We hope you will be able to feel the spirit of Santiago and to take part in what transpired there through the reflections and photos you find in this issue.
The atmosphere of the Santiago conference was alive with dialogue, creativity, and curiosity. Overall, it was the attendees’ openness to touch the traumatic and to simultaneously contact and formulate the experiences of self and other (with the understanding of their interdependence) that made the gathering a meaningful opportunity to explore the social, theoretical and clinical aspects of the relational approach.
This was also IARPP’s first bilingual conference. It enabled the opening of a dialogue about the relational approach to the wider professional community that lives and works in Spanish speaking countries. We welcome this development. It dovetails with our continuing effort to present many of the articles in the eNEWS in English as well as in the home language of our authors.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to the Mexico Chapter, the newest edition to the IARPP community! You can read about their activities as well as those of our other chapters in this issue. Chana Ullman and Neil Altman set the stage for the chapter reports with an overview of IARPP’s expanding global reach.
Within this eNEWS you will also find an interview with Steven Kuchuck about his new edited book, a report of recent travels by Susie Orbach, and, of course, announcements about our colloquia, webinars, and upcoming IARPP events.
With good wishes to you all,
Sharon and Sally
Submissions or Letters to the Editors
Please contact Sally Rudoy or Sharon Ziv-Beiman by June 6, 2014
sallyrudoy@gmail.com or sharon@sadenet.co.il
1) Send us your full name and contact information including: Email, local address and phone number.
2) Send us a digital photograph of yourself.
3) Your announcement or article in full sentences. Please submit in English and in your native language if you desire.
4) If you want to link to some other website, please include that link in the body of your article.