Upcoming IARPP Colloquia

Steve Knoblauch (USA) and Alejandro Ávila Espada (Spain)

SKnoblaughwww AAEspadaSntgwwwA new IARPP colloquium committee has been brought together in response to the stepping down of Galit Atlas and Steven Kuchuck as colloquium chairs.  The mission of the new committee is to maintain the high standard of intellectual exchange established in the work of our predecessors and to move in the direction of an increasingly international chorus of voices, while maintaining the mission of exploring the implications of the contributions  of those who have and continue to contribute to a relational vision for psychoanalysis.  The new committee will include our president Susi Federici-Nebbiosi as well as Galit and Steve as emeritus members.  The chairs are Steve Knoblauch from the USA and Alejandro Ávila Espada from Spain.  Other members include Juan Tubert-Oaklander from Mexico, Mark Gerald from the USA, Mitchell Becker from Israel and Sarah Turnbull from Canada,

The next colloquium will take place in May from May 12 through May 25.  It will feature a chapter from Stephen Mitchell’s classic text, Influence and Autonomy in Psychoanalysis titled, “Varieties of Interaction.”   An international panel of analysts who have known, studied and written about Stephen Mitchell’s work will launch the dialogue. We are excited about returning to Steve’s brilliant writing as an opportunity to think together more about his contributions as well as to give those who have not known or heard Steve an opportunity for this.  We hope to have a video of Steve on the IARPP website sometime leading up to the colloquium and look forward to continuing the rich opportunities to learn from each other that such an open and international exchange makes possible.