– International Chapters Committee
– Argentina
– Perú
– Spain
– Australia
News from the International Chapters Committee
By Juan Francisco Jordan (Chile) and Marianne Kennedy (Australia)
We are pleased to share news from IARPP’s International Chapters Committee. In June, representatives from IARPP chapters in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal, gathered for an early morning meeting of our committee, within a very busy schedule at the conference in New York City.
We began by sharing the wide and impressive range of recent activities and programs in each of the chapters as well as plans for the future. A recurring theme in our discussion was the growing need for more opportunities for engagement and participation in IARPP by members from non-English speaking countries who are not fluent or confident in English. In recent years, a number of members have generously put a great deal of work and time into translating seminal papers and books on relational theory and practice from English into their local language, in order to make them more accessible to the members of their chapters. We discussed the importance of this work and its significant contribution to the development of the relational community.
Another strong theme at the meeting was the importance of co-operation and support among the chapters and the need to further develop this. The Spanish-speaking chapters, in particular, are investigating a number of ways to more readily communicate with each other and to share information and resources. As one expression of this, representatives from the Spanish, Mexican, and Chilean chapters will participate in the numerous events and celebrations for the inauguration of the Argentinian chapter on November 23 and 24 this year. (For more information about this, see the reports from Argentina and Spain below.)
The IARPP Spanish-speaking community had the great opportunity to participate in a webinar during the first two weeks of July. The seminar took up a paper by Carlos Rodríguez Sutil (Spain), “¿Cuál es la Técnica del Psicoanálisis Relacional?” (“What is Relational Psychoanalytic Technique?”). The scope and depth of the participants’ contributions was amazing, especially given that this topic is not free of controversy. All the participants learned from each other, and the experience of being able to think and write in one’s mother tongue was greatly appreciated and raised strong feelings of gratitude, especially to Carlos Rodríguez Sutil and André Sassenfeld (Chile) for organizing this webinar.
IARPP-Perú’s report below on a new project offering low fee psychotherapy to low income patients deserves our attention and congratulations. And, again, it is great to learn that colleagues in Spain are contributing by offering group supervision via Skype to some of the therapists involved. We look forward to hearing more about this initiative and other such projects in future issues of the eNews.
We are also in discussion with IARPP members from several other countries who are currently involved in developing study groups and working toward establishing new chapters of IARPP in their countries.
We look forward to the continuing growth and strengthening of our international IARPP community and are happy to share reports on plans for the next few months from our chapters in Australia, Argentina, Peru and Spain.
Our warm best wishes,
Marianne Kennedy and Juan Francisco Jordan
Marianne Kennedy
Email Marianne Kennedy
Juan Francisco Jordan
Email Juan Francisco Jordan
News from IARPP-Argentina
By Alberto Samperisi, President, and Mariela Cuello, Secretary
(clic aquí para el español)
Dear IARPP Members,
We are proud to announce that, with great commitment, joy, and effort, we are currently organizing the inaugural event for the Argentina IARPP International Chapter. It will take place on November 23 and 24, 2018, at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
We are pleased to be welcoming many IARPP international chapter representatives from Spain, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina to participate in the academic portion of this event, including Rosa Velasco and Laura Molet (Spain); José Angel Aguilar (México); María Eugenia Boetsch (Chile); as well as Alberto Samperisi, Juanita Amaya, Graciela Bazán, Teresa Correa, Josefina Shortrede, Nidia Bordino, and Graciela de Rosas (Argentina). Our celebration will include performances from local musicians and artists as well as an opening dinner.
In the meantime, between August and October of this year we are programming pre-inauguration activities to educate participants about relational psychoanalysis. We are doing this in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional de San Luis (National University of San Luis) and the Asociación Puntana de Psicoanálisis (APPSI). This association has been dedicated for around 40 years to psychoanalytic education and clinical training, particularly in relational psychoanalysis.
As part of our chapter’s activities, in August we featured a clinical case presentation with a social perspective given by Mariela Cuello, entitled, “Uncertainty and Insecurity in the Psychoanalytic Space.” Mariela also presented this paper as part of a panel at the recent New York IARPP Conference. This will be followed in September by a clinical case presentation by Daniel Díaz entitled, “Sex Addiction: ‘I have to stop but I can’t.’”
In August and October, Graciela de Rosas will speak about “Encounters in Psychodrama.” And in October Jaquelina Nanclares will present a discussion of the movie La Vida es Bella (Life is Beautiful) by Roberto Benigni. Additionally, our group in Argentina continues its study group meetings discussing Stephen Mitchell’s thinking and writing that we started at the beginning of the year.
We are very happy to announce the Argentina-IARPP website is coming soon too; we are still in process of constructing it. We hope that these activities attract more people to relational psychoanalysis across Argentina.
We hope to see you soon in Argentina!
Alberto Samperisi
Mariela Andrea Cuello
Alberto Samperisi, MD
1339, San Martin Street
5700 San Luis, Argentina
Email Alberto Samperisi
Mariela Andrea Cuello, BA
Barrio Portal de la Aguada
Manzana B Casa 9
5700 San Luis, Argentina
Email Mariela Andrea Cuello
News from IARPP-Argentina
By Alberto Samperisi, President, and Mariela Cuello, Secretary
(click here for English)
Queridos miembros de IARPP,
Nos complace anunciar que, con gran compromiso, alegría y esfuerzo, estamos trabajando y organizando la Inauguración de nuestro Capítulo Argentino de IARPP que será el 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2018. Se realizará en la Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
Durante la parte académica del evento contaremos con la participación de variados representantes de otros capítulos de IARPP, provenientes de España, México, Chile y Argentina; como Rosa Velasco y Laura Molet (España), José Ángel Aguilar (México), María Eugenia Boetsch (Chile), y Alberto Samperisi, Juanita Amaya, Graciela Bazán, Teresa Correa, Nidia Bordino y Graciela de Rosas (Argentina). También contaremos con la actuación de artistas locales de la música y las artes. Finalmente, celebraremos con una cena inaugural de capítulo.
Mientras tanto, entre agosto y octubre estaremos realizando actividades previas a la inauguración sobre la difusión del psicoanálisis relacional, en conjunto con la Universidad Nacional de San Luis y la Asociación Puntana de Psicoanálisis. Una asociación dedicada al estudio y a la formación teórico- clínica sobre el psicoanálisis en general y el psicoanálisis y la psicoterapia relacional en particular, desde hace 40 años aproximadamente.
Con este propósito hemos comenzado en agosto con la presentación de ateneo clínico con una perspectiva social sobre “Incertidumbre e inseguridad en el espacio analítico”, presentado por Mariela Cuello en un panel en el último Congreso de IARPP en Nueva York. En septiembre, Daniel Díaz presentará ateneo clínico sobre la problemática de la “Adicción al sexo: “Quiero parar, pero no puedo”.
En agosto y octubre, Graciela de Rosas presentará “Encuentros en Psicodrama”. En octubre, Jaquelina Nanclares, llevará a cabo un cine debate acerca de la película “La vida es bella” de Roberto Benigni.
Continuamos con nuestras reuniones de grupo de estudio acerca del pensamiento y escritos de Stephen Mitchell desde el principio de este año. Estamos muy felices de anunciar la apertura de la Página Web del Capítulo Argentino de IARPP. Aún en proceso de ir agregándole cada vez más información.
Esperamos que estas actividades sumen a más gente al psicoanálisis relacional a través de Argentina.
¡Esperamos verlos pronto!
Alberto Samperisi, MD
1339, San Martin Street
5700 San Luis, Argentina
Email Alberto Samperisi
Mariela Andrea Cuello, BA
Barrio Portal de la Aguada
Manzana B Casa 9
5700. San Luis, Argentina
Email Mariela Andrea Cuello
Report from IARPP-Perú
By Marie Saba, President IARPP-Perú
Dear All,
IARPP-Perú has continued its activities described in past issues of the eNews. Our first study group, which started two years ago, meets once a week and has covered and discussed the basic concepts in relational thinking. Since then we have started three more groups, each meeting either once a week or once a month. At this point we are also pleased to announce news of upcoming events and activities in our chapter.
First, FEPAL (The Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation) will hold in its biennial conference in Lima this September. We are happy to welcome IARPP members whose papers will be presented at this conference, including contributions from Eyal Rozmarin (USA) and Victor Doñas (Chile). As you know, our engagement with other psychoanalytic communities has always been considered important at IARPP.
We are specially delighted and happy to announce that IARPP-Perú Vice President, Emilio Lafferranderie (poet, psychotherapist, MA in philosophy), has been appointed dean of psychology at one of the most prestigious universities in Lima, UPC (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas). UPC is a member of Laureate International Universities, with more than 1,000 psychology undergraduates in Lima. We certainly believe that this appointment will help promote the understanding of relational theory in Perú as well as in other countries, considering that the connection among all the International Laureate Universities. Congratulations dear Emilio! This is surely a new challenge in your life, and we are certain that you will exceed all expectations.
We are also pleased with an important new project organized by IARPP-Perú, directed by one of our members, Benito García. The project consists of IARPP-Perú members offering psychotherapy to low income patients. Claretianos, the institution with whom we’ve organized this project, provides IARPP with consulting rooms and a social worker who helps with the administrative work. Since Claretianos continually receives requests for psychological help from people living in the area and from doctors working at a nearby hospital with patients in need of psychotherapy, this collaboration enables IARPP-Perú members to offer psychological support on a sliding scale basis to patients in need.
Both seasoned IARPP members as well as young psychologists who have recently graduated are working with patients through this project. The therapists working will receive group supervision once a week, given by senior IARPP-Perú members as well as by members from IARPP-Spain and IARPP-Mexico who have generously offered to supervise via Skype, including Alejandro Ávila Espada, Rosario Castaño, Alejandra Plaza, Rosa Dominguez, and Carlos Rodríguez Sutil. We wish to thank these supervisors immensely for this help! We certainly invite IARPP members with experience supervising to contribute to this project. Those of you who are willing to help in any way (supervision, ideas, questions etc.) please contact Benito at benitogr@gmail.com or myself at msabav@gmail.com. We would like to invite other IARPP international chapters to participate in this effort by organizing something similar in their own countries in order to help people in need for whom it´s difficult to access therapy.
All the best to you all,
Muchos cariños,
Marie Saba
Marie Saba, MA
Lima, Perú
Email Marie Saba
Report from IARPP-Spain
By Rosa Velasco, President, IARPP-Spain
(clic aquí para el español)
From September 22, 2018, a series of Conferences on Relational Psychoanalysis given by Rosa Velasco (IARPP-Spain President and SEP-IPA member), Alejandro Ávila (IARPP-Spain Honorary President), and Juan José Martinez Ibañez (IARPP-Spain Vice President and SEP-IPA member) will take place in Sevilla (Colegio Oficial de Psicología Occidental).
On November 23 and 24, 2018, the Argentinian IARPP chapter will be initiated and Rosa Velasco (IARPP-Spain President and SEP-IPA member), will participate online doing clinical supervision from the relational perspective. Laura Molet (IARPP-Spain board member) will give a theoretical-practical conference on adolescence, eating disorders, and self-injury.
In September 2018 a new edition of Seminars on the Relational Psychoanalytic Perspective will be presented in Barcelona by Joan Coderch and Neri Daurella, and on November 16 a new edition of the Seminar will be imparted by Rosa Velasco, entitled “Secure Base, Relational Patterns, and the Process of Change in Psychoanalysis and Relational Psychotherapy.” For more information, visit our webisite, www.iarpp.es.
Rosa Velasco
IARPP-Spain President
Email Rosa Valesco
Informe de IARPP-España
By Rosa Velasco, President, IARPP-Spain
(click here for English)
1º- a partir del 22 de Septiembre de 2018 se inician en Sevilla (Colegio Oficial de Psicología Occidental) un ciclo de Conferencias impartidas sobre Psicoanálisis Relacional a cargo de Rosa Velasco (Presidenta IARPP-E y miembro de la SEP-IPA), Alejandro Ávila (Presidente de honor IARPP-E) y Juan José Martinez Ibañez (vicepresidente IARPP-E y miembro de la SEP-IPA)
2º-Los días 23 y 24 de Noviembre de 2018 se inaugurará el capítulo argentino de IARPP, con este motivo Rosa Velasco (presidenta de IARPP-E y miembro de la SEP-IPA) participará vía on line realizando un trabajo de supervisión clínica desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica relacional y Laura Molet (miembro de la Junta de IARPP-E) presentará una ponencia teórico-clínica sobre el tema de adolescencia, trastorno alimentario y auto-lesiones.
3º-En Septiembre de 2018 se inicia una nueva edición del Seminario sobre perspectiva psicoanalítica relacional que imparten Joan Coderch y Neri Daurella en Barcelona y El 16 de Noviembre se inicia en Barcelona una nueva edición del Seminario que imparte Rosa Velasco: “Base segura, patrón relacional y proceso de cambio en psicoanalisis y psicoterapia relacional.” Ver más información en la web IARPP-E, www.iarpp.e.
Rosa Velasco
Presidenta IARPP-E
Rosa Velasco
Presidenta, IARPP-E
Email Rosa Velasco
News from IARPP-Australia
By Gerard Webster, President, IARPP-Australia
With the second semester of 2018 about to begin, IARPP-Australia is eagerly awaiting the commencement of the six-part, online seminar series on field theory, led by Holly Levenkron (USA), to be held in September and October. Holly will be discussing the development of field theory from its beginnings with Harry Stack Sullivan and, later, the Barangers, and will then explore the evolution of Bionian field theory, dynamic systems theory, relational, and interpersonal views. We hope to attract participants throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as across Asia. We are also looking forward to Eyal Rozmarin (USA) visiting Australia in November, where he will be presenting both in Sydney and Melbourne on masculinity and the sociopolitical.
Community conversations and reading groups are proving popular in Melbourne, and it is anticipated that these will soon begin in Sydney. We are currently approaching international presenters for our online seminars to be offered throughout 2019, and preparations for our first symposium are underway. In the meantime, the committee is updating the IARPP-Australia website (http://www.iarppaustralia.com.au) and exploring social media options to promote our events and to draw interest in relational psychoanalysis.
Gerard Webster, PhD
Email Gerard Webster