As Russia’s war against Ukrainian enters its seventh unrelenting month, our psychotherapeutic colleagues in Ukraine continue to suffer psychologically, materially and financially.
Those of us who attended the opening plenary of the IARPP Conference in Los Angeles, in person or online, had the privilege to hear directly from Alyona Chukanova of Ukraine. Appearing via Zoom some hours after midnight her time, from Lviv, to which she had evacuated from her home some months before, and wearing a traditional Ukrainian blouse, Alyona spoke of her and her Ukrainian colleagues’ experiences of managing their chaotic lives these past months while simultaneously attending to their patients, most of whom they have been seeing pro bono since late February. She underscored the importance of the connection that she and her colleagues have felt with their IARPP colleagues from around world during this time of ongoing isolation and peril.
As you know, IARPP has been fundraising with the aim of giving financial support for food and other essentials to as many Ukrainian therapists and their dependents as possible, whether or not the applicants are IARPP members. The IARPP Board and Executive Director administer the fund. Our Ukrainian member “on the ground” is soliciting applications and in conjunction with Board Member Joyce Slochower (USA), who has prior experience in this area at IARPP and the NYU Postdoctoral Program, applicants and their level of need are being vetted. The funds raised are transferred directly to those requesting aid. There is no middleman; applicants receive the full amount we award (usually about $1000), most within a matter of weeks if not days of their request.
To date, we have raised and distributed about $127,822, an amount reflecting the contributions of nearly 600 donors, about half of whom are IARPP members. Some have given twice already, several have given three times, and a few have made donations four times. We remain grateful for and moved by this extraordinary show of support for the Ukrainian people.
Please help us continue supporting our Ukrainian colleagues by giving as generously as you can, perhaps even making a follow-up donation if circumstances allow.
To donate click here:
We hope as well that you will consider forwarding this request to anyone who might be interested in participating, as well as posting on your listservs, websites, or social media if you are comfortable doing so.
With gratitude,
The IARPP Board of Directors