2020 IARPP Conference - Los Angeles postponed to June 16-19, 2022
Expanding Our Clinical Experiences: The Spoken, Unspoken, and Unspeakable in Relational Psychoanalysis an Psychotherapy
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
Conference Venue: Postponed
Conference Location: Postponed
Conference Chairs:
Philip Ringstrom, PhD, PsyD
Hazel Ipp, PhD
Ilene Philipson, PhD, PhD, PsyD
click to download application and cover sheet:
IARPP 2020 Call For Papers
Deadline for submission: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 2019 (midnight Pacific Time – UTC- 07)
As our relational theories move us beyond the “talking cure” toward the unspoken and the implicit, the clinical encounter can seem both infinite in possibility and, simultaneously, unmoored. It challenges us to wonder how we navigate the verbal and nonverbal, the perceptual and experiential and what is permissible and impermissible in our clinical work. Drawing on more established as well as emerging insights from the multiple analytic perspectives within our comparative “big tent,” we will gather in Los Angeles to promote a clinically grounded, multi-generational conversation. By listening closely together to both the drama of specific clinical moments and the stories of patients and therapists deeply entwined in the ongoing therapeutic relationship, we hope to challenge and enlarge our vision of relational psychoanalysis today and for the future.
We look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles.
Philip Ringstrom, Ilene Philipson, and Hazel Ipp
CLICK HERE for full description of pre-conference titles and objectives
Thursday, June 18th 8:30 am – 11:30 am Pre-Conference
A. Psychoanalysis on TV: The Making of the Documentary Couples Therapy
Presenters: Orna Guralnick, PsyD, USA and Virginia Goldner, PhD, USA
Show Directors: Josh Kriegman, USA; Elyse Steinberg, USA; and Eli Despres, USA
Interlocutor: Spyros Orfanos, PhD, USA
B. The Performing Art of Therapy
Presenter: Mark O’Connell, LCSW-R, MFA, USA
C. Psychoanalysis, the Freedom of Speech, the Emancipatory Movement of Desire
Presenter: Jill Gentile, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Rachel Sopher, LCSW, USA
D. Enactments in Child-Adolescent Relational Psychotherapy: Challenges and Opportunities of Interactive Regulation
Chair: Ann Marie Sacramone, MSEd, USA
Presenters: Carmen Domingo Peña, PhD, Spain; Shiho Ike, MA, Japan; and Laurel Silber, PsyD, USA
Interlocutors: Gerard Webster, PhD, PsyD, Australia and Raimundo Guerra, PhD, Spain
E. Writing the Unspoken and Unspeakable: A Clinical Writing Workshop
Presenter: Suzi Naiburg, PhD, LICSW, USA
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 18 Paper Sessions 1
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 18 Paper Sessions 2
CLICK HERE for a full description of plenaries
12:00pm PAPER/PANEL SESSION 1: (12 Concurrent Sessions)
1. Speaking the Unspeakable; Confronting Our Professional Destructiveness
Speakers: Joyce Slochower, PhD, ABPP, USA; and Stephen Hartman, PhD, USA
Discussant: Sue Grand, PhD, USA
Moderator: Jamie Rodin, LCSW, PsyD, USA
2. The Analyst’s Experience of Love, Loss, Regret, and Gender
Speakers: Marc Rehm, PhD, USA; David Braucher, LCSW, PhD,
USA; and Tarun Vohra, MA, India
Moderator: Larry Brooks, PhD, USA
3. Autism, Difference and Disability
Speakers: Manuela Tosti, PsyD, Italy; Daniel Posner, MD, USA; and German Cheung, PsyD, USA
Moderator: Richard Inglis, MBBS, MA, Australia
4. The Tango of Eros and Thanatos on the Relational Dancefloor
Speakers: Faidra Grammenou, PgDip, MSc, Greece; Matina Kaidantzi, PgDip, Greece; and Kostas Mathioudis, MA, Greece
Moderator: Deborah Dowd, LICSW, USA
5. Varieties of Play and Playfulness in the Clinical Setting
Speakers: Giselle Gos, PhD, Canada; Sean Meggeson, MA, RP, Canada; Judi Kobrick, PhD, Canada; and Sam Guzzardi,
Moderator: Sona DeLurgio, PsyD, LMFT, USA
6. From Meaningless Words to Meaningful Actions: Sleeping, Stitching, and Packing Heat
Speakers: Hilary Offman, MD, FRCPC, Canada; Matt Aibel, LCSWR, USA; and Laura D’Angelo, MDiv, LP, USA
Moderator: D. Bradley Jones, PsyD, LCSW, USA
7. Immigration and Asylum: The Ethical Response
Speakers: Margy Sperry, PsyD, USA and Paula Rampulla, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Bettina von Lieres, PhD, Canada
8. Unsilencing Unspeakable Socio-historical Trauma in Individual, Social, and Institutional Contexts
Speakers: Ruth Lijtmaer, PhD, USA; George Bermudez, PhD, PsyD, USA; and Victoria Gutierrez-Kovner, PsyD, LCSW, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Mary Walters, LCSW, PsyD, USA
9. Dimensions of Pain and Suicide
Speakers: Joye Weisel-Barth, PhD, PsyD, USA; Kristen Melnyk, MD, USA; and Laura Molet Estaper, PsyD, Spain
Moderator: Mark Winitsky, PsyD, USA
10. Power and Envy in Individual and Group Practice
Speakers: Alkinoi Lala, MSc, Greece; Konstantinos Mouchalos, PgD, Greece; and Dimitrios Geranios, BSc, Greece
Moderator: Gita Zarnegar, PhD, PsyD, LMFT, USA
11. The Unspoken and Unspeakable in Psychotherapy as Reflecting Social Unconscious
Un-discussed Issues
Speakers: Emi Ibi, MA, Japan; and Piyali Chakrabarti, PsyD, MPhil, Singapore
Discussant & Moderator: Haim Weinberg, PhD, USA
12. Individuality and the Transcendence of Categorization
Speakers: Susana Martinez, PhD, LP, USA; Luis Raimundo Guerra
Cid, PhD, Spain; and Floriana Irtelli, PhD, Italy
Moderator: Debra Myers, MD, USA
1:30pm Adjournment of Paper/Panel Session 1
1:30pm Coffee Break
2:00pm PAPER/PANEL SESSION 2: (12 Concurrent Sessions)
1. Subjectivities Beyond: Trans-Subjectivity and the Inter-Subject
Speakers: Francisco Gonzalez, MD, USA and Eyal Rozmarin, PhD, USA
Discussant & Moderator: Victor Doñas, MD, Chile
2. The Analyst’s Presence in Intersubjective Relating
Speakers: Nicoletta Agostini, PhD, Italy; Alessia D’Alterio, PhD, Italy; Teresa Isabel Correa, PhD, Argentina
Interlocutor & Moderator: Mark Gerald, PhD, USA
3. Mind-Brain-Bodies in Treatment
Speakers: Steven Tublin, PhD, USA; Clara Mucci, PhD, Italy; and Andrew Ntsowe, MD, MSc, Australia
Interlocutor & Moderator: Judith Pickles, PhD, PsyD, USA
4. From the Inside Out: Three Approaches to Embodied Treatment with Children And Adolescents
Speakers: Seth Aronson, PsyD, USA; Susan Goodman, LCSW, USA; and Francesca Schwartz, PhD, USA
Moderator: Ellyn Freedman, MSW, PsyD, USA
5. Therapeutic Change: Creative Relational Interventions
Speakers: Peter McKay, BA, Grad Dip Som Psych, Australia; Giancarlo Dimaggio, MD, Italy; Giuseppe Magistrale, PsyD, Italy; Carol Mayhew, PhD, PsyD, USA
Moderator: Jane Jordan, PsyD, USA
6. The Frame and the Setting: Innovative Approaches
peakers: Olivia Mandelbaum, PhD, USA; and Karen Perlman, PhD, LP, USA
Discussant: Anthony Bass, PhD, USA
Moderator: Van DeGolia, MD, USA
7. Psychic Citizenship: Linking Self, Group, and Society
Speakers: Andrew Samuels, UK; Billie Pivnick, PhD, USA; and Jane Hassinger, LCSW, DCSW, USA
Moderator: Billie Pivnick, PhD, USA
8. Reckoning with Heteronormativity: Redressing the Maternal/Paternal Binary and Reworking Oedipal Theory for LGBTQ Couples, Families and Single Parents
Speakers: Shelley Nathans, PhD, USA; and Emily Seidel, PsyD, USA Discussant & Moderator: Julie Leavitt, MD, USA
9. Trauma, Abuse, and Dissociation
Speakers: Rebecca Silvia Rossi, PhD, Italy; Mattia Ferro, PhD, Italy; Koichi Yokoi, MD, Japan; Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD, Mexico
Moderator: Gerard Webster, PhD, PsyD, Australia
10. Migrating Desire: Unspoken Pleasures, Prohibitions, and Possibilities
Speakers: Lauren Levine, PhD, USA; Sandra Silverman, LCSW, USA; and Janine de Peyer, LCSW, USA
Moderator: Susan Mendenhall, MSW, PsyD, USA
11. Becoming a Self in One’s Own Right
Speakers: Carolyn Schaefer, LCSW-R, USA; Joan Friedman, PhD, USA; and Darren Haber, PsyD, MFT, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Celeste Birkhofer, PhD, PsyD, USA
12. Aspects of Supervision
Speakers: Ayushi Madan, MA, India; Janna Sandmeyer, PhD, USA; and Dana Charatan, PsyD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Barbara Pizer, EdD, USA
3:30pm Adjournment of Paper/Panel Session 2
3:30pm Coffee Break
4:00pm PLENARY I: American Dream?: The Diversity, Creativity and Calamity of Los Angeles
Presenters: Estelle Shane, PhD, USA; Glen Gabbard, MD, USA; and Ilene Philipson, PhD, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Christina Emanuel, MFT, PsyD, USA
6:00pm Adjournment of Opening Event Plenary I
6:00pm Israeli Chapter Meeting
6:00pm Candidates Reception
7:00pm Opening Conference Reception
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 19 Paper Sessions 3
CLICK HERE for a full description of plenaries
7:00am Registration & Coffee
8:00am PAPER/PANEL SESSION 3: (11 Concurrent Sessions)
1. Candidates’ Panel: Thinking, Participating, and Speaking Outside of the Box
Speakers: Sam Guzzardi, LCSW, USA; Michael Melmed, PsyD, USA; Amalia Fermandois, ClinPsych, Chile; and Bettina von Lieres, PhD, Canada
Discussant: William Coburn, PhD, PsyD, USA
Moderator: Sandra Toribio Caballero, PsyD, Spain
2. Scratching the Surface: What Does How We Look Have to Do With Who We Are?
Speakers: Susan Sands, PhD, USA, Sarah Schoen PhD, USA; and Jean Petrucelli, PhD, USA
Moderator: Ali Kimmell, LCSW, USA
3. Creative Treatment Modalities
Speakers: Giuseppe Leo, MD, Italy; Sarit Lev-Bendov, PsyD, Israel; and Sara Biondi, PsyD, Italy
Moderator: Laura Williams, PsyD, USA
4. Resilience and Survival in the Holocaust
Speakers: Sophia Richman, PhD, ABPP, USA; Irit Felsen, PhD, USA; and Zipora Rosenberg Schipper, PhD, Israel
Moderator: Dorienne Sorter, PhD, USA
5. The Whiteness Taboo: Interrogating Whiteness in Psychoanalysis
Speakers: Janie Riley, LMFT, USA; Molly Merson, LMFT, USA; and Ben Ringler, LMFT, USA
Moderator: Michelle Sweet, PhD, USA
6. Shame and its Transformation: A Feminist Perspective
Speakers: Tammy Ben-Shaul, PhD, Australia; Sarah Pouliot, PhD, USA; and Shoshana Ringel, PhD, USA
Moderator: Betsy Cohen, LCSW, PhD, USA
7. Perspectives on Psychic Pain
Speakers: Michael Pariser, PsyD, USA; Adam Kaplan, PhD, USA; and Alberto Samperisi, PhD, Argentina
Moderator: Martha Gilmore, PhD, CGP, USA
8. Psychoanalytic Knowing: The Explicit and the Implicit
Speakers: Paolo Stramba-Badiale, PhD, Italy; Marcia Steinberg, PsyD, USA; and Luciana Maiorino, PhD, Italy
Interlocutor & Moderator: Charles Levin, PhD, Canada
9. Silence is Not Just Golden, It Speaks with a Silver Tongue: Listening to, Understanding, and Using the Unspoken
Speakers: Frank Summers, PhD, ABPP, USA; Kris Yi, PhD, PsyD, USA; and Kerry Thomas-Anttila, PhD, New Zealand
Moderator: Gil Spielberg, PhD, ABPP, USA
10. Transformation and Therapeutic Action
Speakers: Brendan McPhillips, MBBS, MD, Australia; Sol Oren, MA, Israel; and Drew Magidoff, PsyD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Sue Shapiro, PhD, USA
11. The Unspoken in Violations of Power in the Psychoanalytic World
Speakers: Tracy Sidesinger, PsyD, USA; Ginna Clark, PsyD, LPCC, ATR-BC, USA; Roshanak Vahdani, MA, Australia
Interlocutor & Moderator: Roberto D’Angelo, PsyD, MBBS, Australia
9:30am Adjournment of Paper/Panel 3
9:45am President’s Welcome
Presenter: Steven Kuchuck, DSW, USA — IARPP President
10:00am PLENARY II: Three Characters in Search of a Story: Empathy as a Complex Relational Achievement
Presenters: Hazel Ipp, PhD, Canada and Malcolm Owen Slavin, PhD, USA Interlocutor & Moderator: Francesco Andreucci, PhD, Italy
12:00pm Adjournment of Plenary II
12:00pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30pm PLENARY III: Mimetic Understanding: The Embodied Dance of Words and Actions
Presenters: Susanna Federici, PhD, Italy and Gianni Nebbiosi, PhD, Italy Interlocutor & Moderator: Elizabeth Harvey, PhD, Canada
3:30pm Adjournment of Plenary III & Coffee Break
4:00pm Discussion Group 1
Co-Leaders: Tony Bass, PhD, USA; Adriano Bugliani, PhD, Italy; Adriana Cuenca Carrara, PhD, Mexico; Peggy Crastnopol, PhD, USA; Roberto D’Angelo, PsyD, MBBS, Australia; Sam Gerson, PhD, USA; Francesco Gonzales, MD, USA; Ilana Laor, PhD, Israel; Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD, Mexico; Carmine Schettini, MD, Italy; Joyce Slochower, PhD, USA; and Chana Ullman, PhD, Israel
5:15pm IARPP Membership Meeting
6:15pm Israeli Chapter Meeting
6:15pm Adjournment for the day
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 20 Paper Sessions 4
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 20 Paper Sessions 5
CLICK HERE for a full description of plenaries
7:00am Registration & Coffee
(12 Concurrent Sessions)
1. The Patient’s Responsibility to the Analyst: An Implicit and Unspoken Dimension of Clinical Process
Speakers: Peter Shabad, PhD, USA and Robert Drozek, LICSW, USA
Discussant: Jessica Benjamin, PhD, USA
Moderator: Loren Sobel, MD, MS, USA
2. Analytic Love and Eros
Speakers: Lisa Lyons, PhD, USA; Erik Fagerberg, MA, LCSW, Sweden; and Louella Dias, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Stefanie Glennon, PhD, USA
3. The Relational Body in Analytic Practice and Its Social/ Historical Contexts
Speakers: Doris Brothers, PhD, USA; Jack Foehl, PhD, USA; Roger
Frie, PhD, PsyD, RPsych, Canada; and Jon Sletvold, PsyD,Norway
Moderator: Danny Gellersen, LICSW, USA
4. Relational Ethics
Speakers: Simone Drichel, PhD, New Zealand; Garret Wyner, PhD, PhD, PsyD, USA; and Shachaf Bitan, PhD, Israel
Interlocutor & Moderator: Bonnie Zindel, LCSW, USA
5. Global Youth: Trauma, Tragedy, and Immigration
Speakers: Rebecca Versolato, PhD, Singapore; Georgina Spentzou, PhD, Greece; Malin Fors, Msc, Norway, and Yael Lapidot Druyan, LICSW, JD, Israel
Moderator: Alioscia Boschiroli, PsyD, Italy
6. Carrying Forward the Work of Emmanuel Ghent: International Perspectives
Speakers: Deepti Sachdev, PhD, India; Neil Altman, PhD, USA; and Shalini Masih, PhD, India
Interlocutor & Moderator: Afarin Kohan, MD, FRCPC, Canada
7. Gender, False Self, and the Unspoken Communications in Japanese Culture: Clinical Implications of a Relational Approach
Speakers: Tayoka Imai, MA, Japan; Satoko Imamoto, MA, Japan; and Ayumi Osagawa, MA, Japan
Interlocutor & Moderator: Rebecca Harrington, DSW, USA
8. Finitude
Speakers: Lissa Schaupp, LCSW, USA; Evelyn Rappoport, PsyD, USA; and Rhonda Sternberg, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Peter Maduro, JD, PsyD, PsyD, USA
9. The Spoken and Unspoken in Eating Disorders and Obesity
Speakers: Cheryl Goldstein, PhD, USA; and Li Qu, MA, China
Discussant: Marie Saba, MA, Peru
Moderator: Kathi Magnussen Levin, PhD, PsyD, USA
10. The Sounds of Silence: Erotic and Affective Embodiment in the Analytic Field
Speakers: Karen Beard, PhD, USA; Dianne Elise, PhD, USA; Holly Levenkron, LCSW, LICSW, USA
Moderator: Iglis Nancy Rodrigo, BA, Argentina
11. Theoretical Difficulties: How Relationality Enhances our Theories
Speakers: David Slattery, MA HIP, UK; George Hagman, LCSW, USA; and Oksana Yakushko, PhD, USA
Moderator: Michael Pariser, PsyD, USA
12. What Can and Can’t Be Said in Treatment and Supervision
Speakers: Margaret Crastnopol, PhD, USA and Sandra Buechler, PhD, USA
Discussant & Moderator: Irwin Hirsch, PhD, USA
9:30am Adjournment of Paper/Panel Session 4
10:00am PLENARY IV: The Emergence of Meaning from Unformulated Experience
Presenters: Donnel Stern, PhD, USA and Philip Ringstrom, PhD, PsyD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot, PhD, Israel
12:00pm Adjournment of Plenary IV
12:00pm Editorial Board Meeting
12:00pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30pm Discussion Group 2
Co-Leaders: Tony Bass, PhD, USA; Adriano Bugliani, PhD, Italy; Adriana Cuenca Carrara, PhD, Mexico; Peggy Crastnopol, PhD, USA; Roberto D’Angelo, PsyD, MBBS, Australia; Sam Gerson, PhD, USA; Francesco Gonzales, MD, USA; Ilana Laor, PhD, Israel; Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD, Mexico; Carmine Schettini, MD, Italy; Joyce Slochower, PhD, USA; and Chana Ullman, PhD, Israel
(12 Concurrent Sessions)
1. Intersubjectivity, Potential Space, and the Analyst’s Transformative Presence
Speakers: Steven Stern, PsyD, USA; Heather Ferguson, LCSW, USA; and Amy Cooney, PhD, USA
Discussant & Moderator: Sarah Mendelsohn, LCSW, USA
2. The Dark Side of the Analyst: Narcissism, Anger, and Discomfort
Speakers: Mariela Andrea Cuello de Cosentino, BA, Argentina; Amalia Rivera, MA, Mexico; and Jose Angel Gil Aguilar, MA, Mexico
Moderator: Miriam DeRiso, PhD, USA
3. A Relational Perspective on the Treatment of Eating Disorders: From Primitive Mental States to the Intersubjective
Speakers: Dana Satir, PhD, CEDS, USA; Karen Rosica, PsyD, USA; and Lynda Chassler, PhD, USA
Discussant: Shelley Doctors, PhD, USA
Moderator: Francesca Romana Salimei, PhD, Italy
4. The Clinical Use of Imagery and Metaphor
Speakers: Tanya Anagnostopoulou, PhD, Greece; Rachel Altstein,
LP, JD, USA; and Philip Gardner, LCSW-R, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Lynne Oliva, PsyD, MFT, USA
5. Borders: Real and Symbolic
Speakers: Valentina Desiderio, PhD, Italy; Adriana Cuenca
Carrara, PhD, Mexico; and Limor Kaufman, PhD, USA
Moderator: Teimuraz Keshelashvili, BSocSc, MsSc, Canada
6. Caught Between Desire, Agency and Homelessness: Cultural and Clinical Reflections on Sexual Abuse, Seduction and Dissociation in the Indian Clinic
Speakers: Ashis Roy, PhD, India and Neetu Sarin, PhD, India
Discussant & Moderator: Frances Dillon, LMSW, CSW, USA
7. Therapists and Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP): Observations and Trends Emerging from Empirical Research and Clinical Vignettes
Speakers: Valeria Pulcini, MD, PhD, Italy; Ilaria Merici, PhD, Italy; and Milko Prati, PhD, Italy
Interlocutor & Moderator: Andrew Harlem, PhD, USA
8. Envy and Enactment: Relational Opportunities to Work Through the Unspeakable Fear and Shame
Speakers: Angelica Tsikli, BS, Greece; Carmine Schettini, MD, Italy; and Marilou Kountria, MSc, Greece
Moderator: Kati Breckenridge, PhD, PsyD, USA
9. Unspoken Language: The Perverse, The Traumatic, and The Implicit
Speakers: Iris Lerman, MA, Israel; Maria Jose Mezzera, MA,
Chile; Paula Vera, MA, Chile; and Ilana Laor, PhD, Israel
Interlocutor & Moderator: Jeffrey Seitelman, MD, PhD, USA
10. When Unspoken Mourning Leads to Unspeakable Pain: The Clashing Rocks of Implicit Rage in the Therapeutic Journey to Ithaka
Speakers: Sevasti Gkioka, MSc, Greece; Kyriaki Mertzani, MD, Greece; and Manousia Kypraiou, MSc, Greece
Moderator: Robin Cohen, PhD, PsyD, USA
11. Relational Time: Past, Present, and Future
Speakers: Christopher Bonovitz, PsyD, USA; Daniel Goldin, MFT, PsyD, USA; and Davide Belluardo, PhD, Italy
Interlocutor & Moderator: Stuart Pizer, PhD, ABPP, USA
12. Ways of Being Together: Live Supervision: Exploring Dyadic Affect Regulation In Treatment and Supervison
Speakers: Jacqueline Gotthold, PsyD, USA; Cristina Bonnuci, PsyD,
Italy; Fabia Banella, PhD, Italy; and Jenna Davino, LCSW,USA
4:15pm Adjournment of Paper/Panel Session 5 & Coffee Break
4:30pm IARPP Meetings
Invited Panel: Muriel Dimen Fellowship 2020 — An Interdisciplinary Presentation
Speakers: Naomi Morgenstern, PhD, Canada; and Stephanie Koziej, MPhil
Moderator: Hilary Offman, MD, FRCPC, Canada
5:30pm Adjournment for the day
Reception is an additional charge. For more information, please see registration form. This event is co-sponsored by the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles.
CLICK HERE for a full description of June 21 Paper Sessions 6
CLICK HERE for a full description of plenaries
8:00am Registration & Coffee
(12 Concurrent Sessions)
1. When Minds Meet: The Work of Lew Aron
Speakers: Samuel Gerson, PhD, USA; Spyros Orfanos, PhD,USA; Galit Atlas, PhD, USA
Moderator: Jessica Benjamin, PhD, USA
2. Shame, Trauma, and the Analyst’s Subjectivity
Speakers: Jean Principe, PhD, USA; Robin Young, PhD, USA; Konstantina Adamopoulou, MSc, Greece
Moderator: Maria Tammone, PhD, Italy
3. ‘Fieldwork’: Speakable, Unspoken and Unspeakable States from a Bionian Field Theory Perspective
Speakers: Duncan Cartwright, PhD, South Africa and Peter Goldberg, PhD, USA
Discussant: Rachael Peltz, PhD, USA
Moderator: Marina Amore, PhD, Italy
4. How Analytic Writing Catalyzes the Implicit, Unspoken, and Unspeakable in the Analyst and the Field
Speakers: Karen Martin, USA; Marcia Dobson, PhD, PhD, USA; Brenda Solomon, MD, USA
Moderator: Suzi Naiburg, PhD, LICSW, USA
5. Confrontations, Quarrels, and Resistance in Power Dynamics
Speakers: Don Greif, PhD, USA; Malin Fors, MSc, Norway; Rachel Kabasakalian McKay, PhD, EdM, USA; David Mark, PhD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Adriano Bugliani, PhD, Italy
6. Multiple Identities, Hidden Subjectivities: The Biracial- Upwardly Mobile Psychoanalyst
Speakers: Susan Rios, MS, LCSW, USA; Adam Rodriguez, PsyD, USA;
Discussant: Veronica Abney, PhD, USA
Moderator: Lourdes Casares, PhD, USA
7. Challenging the Motherhood Mandate
Speakers: Hillary Grill, LCSW, USA; Caryn Sherman-Meyer, LCSW, USA; Sharyn Leff, LCSW, USA
Moderator: Sally Bjorklund, MA, LMHC, USA
8. Shame and Its Influence on the Spoken, the Unspoken, and the Unspeakable
Speakers: Yael Greenberg, PsyD, USA; Robert Benedetti, PhD, USA; Janet Benton, PsyD, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Joyce Klein, LICSW, USA
9. The Pleasures and Banality of the Negative and The Unknown
Speakers: Jade McGleughlin, LICSW, USA; Stacey Novack, PsyD, USA; Uri Hadar, PhD, Israel
Discussant: Chana Ullman, PhD, Israel
Moderator: Diana Faydysh, MA, USA
10. Speaking of the Unspoken, Unsymbolized, and Unrepresented in Self and Space
Speakers: Sigal Eden Almogi, PhD, Israel; Smadar de Lange, PhD, Israel; Rose Gupta, PsyD, LCSW, USA
Interlocutor & Moderator: Joyce Slochower, PhD, ABPP, USA
11. Unspeaking Spirituality and Religion in Psychoanalysis by Speaking our Rhetorical Problem
Speakers: Earl Bland, PsyD, USA; Brad Strawn, PhD, USA; Roy Barsness, PhD, USA
Moderator: Lewis Barth, PhD, PsyD, USA
12. The Emerging Clinical Mind: An Intimate Dialogue within the Supervisory Matrix
Speakers: Taz Morgan, MA, USA and Gabrielle Taylor, PhD, USA
Discussant: Michelle Harwell, LMFT, PsyD, USA
Moderator: Robyn Sewitz, PsyD, LCSW, USA
10:00am Adjournment of Paper/Panel Session 6
10:15am PLENARY V: Clinical Implications of the Analyst’s Subjectivity — On the Impact of Culture, Psyche and Soul
Presenters: Stavros Charalambides, MA, Greece; Sandra Toribio Caballero, PsyD, Spain
Discussant & Moderator: Steven Kuchuck, DSW, USA
12:15pm Conference Closing Remarks: Our Relational Legacy: An Invitation to Think?
Presenter: Margaret Mitchell Black, LCSW, USA
12:30pm Round Table Discussion with the Audience
Presenters: Malcolm Owen Slavin, PhD, USA; Susanna Federici, PhD, Italy; Steven Kuchuck, DSW, USA; Philip Ringstrom, PsyD, PhD, USA; Ilene Philipson, PhD, PhD, USA
Join us for our Saturday night gala party under the stars on the Luskin Center’s Centennial Terrace for food, drinks, and dancing to LA’s renowned Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries, with ample space for conversation and enjoyment of one of LA’s warm summer evenings. This event is cosponsored by the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. Please see the Conference Registration Form for ADDITIONAL information.
This conference is intended for psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, marriage and family counselors, and clinical professional counselors. The conference is organized to facilitate maximum opportunity for questions, comments and dialogue between the audience and the presenters, allowing clinicians to engage in an extensive variety of topics relevant to the field.
At the conclusion of the conference, participants will be able to consider:
- The role of Relational analysis in transcending the traditional psychoanalytic “talking cure” by addressing much more than the spoken language aspect of the treatment
- The multitude of therapeutic activity revealed in both the implicit and explicit communication of what is spoken, unspoken and unspeakable
- The unique forms of engagement in the psychoanalytic field in terms of its implicit, co-creatively evolving drama, its narrative tales, and how these can be addressed in ways beyond mere interpretation
- How Relational Psychoanalysis presents a theoretical and clinical “big tent” applicable to all forms of psychoanalytic treatment
- How Relational Psychoanalysis plays a critical role in adapting to the 21st Century, the complexities of its radically transforming cultural, and its manifestation in profoundly novel and unfamiliar forms of media expression.

CE Learning Systems, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CE Learning Systems maintains responsibility for this program and its content. CE credit will be available to social workers pending approval for conference by NASW.
The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0202.
The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists. #MFT-0070.
The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts. #P-0037.
Continuing Education Hours will be awarded as follows:
Thursday Optional Half Day Session = 2.0 Hours
Main Conference Program (Thursday – Sunday) = 22.0 Hours
Important notice: In an effort to streamline the continuing education process, registered participants wishing to obtain a CE certificate will be provided with a link to a portal where they will complete the CE requirements by evaluating the conference’s program. After the event has ended, they will be able to download and print their CE certificate.
Please take a look at the tutorial below which will give you an idea of what to expect:
If you have any questions about CE credits, please contact Lucia Lezama at LLezama@iarpp.net
1) Do you offer certificates for attending the conference?
IARPP offers two types of certificates:
– Certificates of Attendance: can be obtained by emailing office@iarpp.net at the conclusion of the conference.
– Continuing Education certificates: registered participants will be provided with a link to a portal where they will complete the CE requirements by evaluating the conference’s program. After the event has ended, they will also be able to download and print their CE certificate.
2) What is the difference between a certificate of attendance and a continuing education certificate?
A certificate of attendance is usually used as proof that you have registered and participated in the conference. Individuals who request this type of certificate typically use it to prove their attendance to their employer or school, as in the case of students.
A continuing education certificate is usually requested for the purposes of accreditation and licensing requirements. This certificate documents a participant’s full attendance to individual sessions.
3) How many continuing education credits are awarded for attending the conference?
Credits are awarded for every full session you attend. You do not automatically receive credits at registration. To receive credits you must sign in and out of each session you attend. Sign in and out sheets are provided at every session qualifying for continuing education add credits. To receive credits you must sign both in and out of each session.
4) Can anyone obtain a continuing education certificate?
Yes, anyone who attends the conference and signs in and out of sessions can request a certificate.
However, because IARPP incurs in a charge for every certificate that is issued, we request that you check with your professional licensing board and make sure that they honor continuing education credits by the American Psychological Association, NYS Department of Education or the National Association for Social Workers.
If you require a certificate for attendance purposes only, kindly request an attendance certificate as indicated above.
If you have any questions about CE credits, please contact Lucia Lezama at LLezama@iarpp.net
Luskin Center booking link:
https://reservations. travelclick.com/99861?groupID= 2433505&hotelID=99861#/ guestsandrooms.
If you wish to call, please use their reservations line at
(855) 522 – 8252
reference the conference name IARPP 2020 or the code 200519IA
The 2020 Conference will take place at the Luskin Conference Center. Every element of the UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center and its adjoining hotel in Los Angeles was designed to honor the intrinsic link between innovation and rejuvenation. A LEED Platinum-certified property enhanced by leading edge resources, the UCLA Luskin Conference Center’s bright and relaxing environment encourages open engagement. Here, leading academic minds, medical innovators, researchers, political leaders and social visionaries meet to exchange ideas that will move our world forward. Surrounded by iconic UCLA landmarks and just steps from the Ronald Reagan Medical Center, the Luskin Conference Center pulses with the energy of a vibrant campus community by day. By night, its accommodations offer a comfortable place to recharge, defining it as one of the premiere hotels in Westwood. With more than 25,000 square feet of versatile, thoughtfully-executed event space, this UCLA hotel sets a higher bar for Los
Angeles meeting spaces. The Luskin Conference Center is offering IARPP conference attendees’ special conference rates of $279/ single or double exclusive of applicable state and local taxes.
To make a reservation, please click on this link:
Those requesting pre or post nights outside of the dates outlined on the reservation link can also contact the hotel directly by calling (855) 522–8252 and asking for the reservations department. To confirm your reservation, contact the hotel directly at (855) 522 – 8252. A first night’s room deposit or credit card will guarantee your reservation. The hotel requires at least 48 hours notice of cancellation to receive a refund. BE SURE TO MENTION THE IARPP 2020 CONFERENCE TO RECEIVE THE GROUP RATE! The group rate is available until May 17, 2020 or until all rooms in the group have been reserved, whichever occurs first. You can make a reservation after this date, but will not be guaranteed the group rate.
Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Website: http://www.LuskinConferenceCenter.UCLA.edu/
Reservation Link: https://reservations.travelclick.com/99861?
The airlines of SkyTeam, Official Alliance Network for our event, offer attractive airfares for participants. SkyTeam comprises 20 leading international airlines: Aeroflot, Aerolíneas Argentinas, Aeroméxico, Air Europa, Air France, Alitalia, China Airlines, China Eastern, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Kenya Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Korean Air, Middle East Airlines, Saudia, TAROM, Vietnam Airlines and Xiamen Air.
To book your travel now, visit www.skyteam.com/GlobalMeetings
and enter your Event ID: 4264S. Or, use the unique booking URL:
Avis has been appointed the official car rental company for the IARPP 2020 Conference. Special discounted rates are available up to one week before and one week after the dates of the meeting. Be sure to protect your reservation needs by making a reservation at least two weeks in advance.
To make a reservation, phone: Avis Meeting Services Desk at 1-800-331-1600 (From anywhere in the U.S. or Canada). Be sure to mention the Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) Number is G028659. You must have this authorization number in order to make the reservation