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Greetings from the IARPP Romanian Chapter.
During the summer 2019, a group of 15 young psychotherapists started meeting and discussing psychoanalysis in a coffee shop nearby their offices. By fall, as things developed, the group became aware of the desire and the need for an institutional frame. In early 2020, the group’s efforts gave shape to the IARPP Romanian Chapter, now totaling 34 members.
From the beginning of 2020, we decided to have monthly organized meetings and talk about basic concepts of relational psychoanalysis. This plan was unexpectedly interrupted in March 2020, when the pandemic changed the course of life as usual.
In April 2020 we registered our association, the Romanian Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, legally and professionally. Our first General Assembly took place in September 2020, and we elected our Board.
Not wasting any time, under the pressure of the shared need to elaborate on the load of the moment, we continued our talks using the online environment. Thus it became clear that we needed a study program. In September 2020, such a program become a reality. Our “Relational Explorations,” comprising 11 monthly meetings dedicated to the study of basic relational psychoanalysis concepts, based on the five volumes of Relational Psychoanalysis (Mitchell, Aron, Harris), gained official recognition by the Romanian College of Psychologists, as part of the continuous training in psychotherapy.
We estimate that in 2020 more than half of us participated in IARPP online events (symposiums, webinars, workshops, etc.) and these occasions made us, as a group, feel an extraordinary opening and a strong desire to integrate our activities in IARPP.
A very important step forward was establishing a connection to Margaret Crastnopol (US), to whom we are grateful for the openness, trust and professionalism that she has had toward us. After some preliminary discussions, we established an introductory program in relational psychoanalysis, running from January to July 2021. At the end of this period, we will assess the meetings with the intention of organizing a more consistent program with international participation in 2022.
We already started designing the monthly study activities covering 2021-2022, inspired by Mitchell’s relational matrix – three texts for each psychoanalytic perspective – and we also intend to enjoy the presence of foreign relational psychoanalysts in our seminars. This program will start in September 2021.
For 2021-2022 we will organize a series of 6 seminars, called “Reading with Ogden,” which will consist of discussion of Ogden’s articles on Freud, Loewald, Winnicott, Fairbairn, Searles and Bion. This program will confer an educational credit on the part of the Romanian College of Psychologists. It will also be the first outreach event that our Chapter proposes to the entire professional psychology world in Romania.
In our effort to find a shared language — the Romanian relational vocabulary — we encourage groups of therapists to write articles or translate some of the most important papers of the wide world of relational psychoanalysis. All that is and will continue to be available on our website, www.iarpp.ro
For more information about the IARPP Romanian Chapter, please contact me.
Best regards,
Valentin Miu, President
Valentin Miu, PsyD
Bucharest, Romania
Email Valentin Miu
Salutari din partea Chapterului Romania al IARPP!
In vara anului 2019, vreo 15 terapeuti tineri au inceput sa se intalneasca la o cafenea de cartier si sa discute psihanaliza. Pana in toamna, discutiile au avansat si dorinta de a avea un cadru institutional era clara. La inceputul anului 2020 aceasta tendinta s-a materializat in ceea ce azi numim Chapterul Romania al IARPP. La ora actuala suntem un grup de 34 de terapeuti.
Chiar de la inceputul anului 2020 ne propusesem sa ne intalnim in fiecare luna, in mod organizat si sa discutam despre conceptele de baza ale psihanalizei relationale. Acest fapt a fost brusc interupt in luna martie 2020 cand pandemia a schimbat cursul lucrurilor.
In luna Aprilie 2020 am inregistrat asociatia atat juridic,cat si profesional – Asociatia de Psihanaliza si Psihoterapie Relationala. Prima Adunare Generala a avut loc in Septembrie si am votat primul Consiliu Director.
Ne-am organizat rapid in mediul online sub presiunea nevoii de a impartasi din greutatea momentului. Astfel a devenit evident ca avem nevoie de un program de studiu. In luna septembrie 2020 un asemenea program a devenit o realitate – este un program pe care noi il numim Explorari relationale si cuprinde 11 intalniri lunare in care discutam textele de baza ale psihanalizei relationale, bazandu-ne pe cele 5 volume Relational Psychoanalysis. Am reusit de asemenea, ca aceste intalniri lunare sa fie recunoscute ca program de formare continua in Romania de catre Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania.
Estimam ca in cursul anului 2020, mai mult de jumatate dintre membrii asociatiei noastre au participat la evenimentele internationale organizate in cadrul IARPP (simpozioane, webinarii, etc), ceea ce a produs o extraordinara deshidere si o dorinta ferma de a ne integra in activitatile IARPP.
Un pas foarte important a fost facut in momentul in care am stabilit legatura cu Margaret Crastnopol (SUA) careia ii suntem recunoscatori pentru deschiderea cu care a venit inspre noi. Dupa cateva discutii organizatorice, am stabilit impreuna sa desfasuram un program introductiv in psihanaliza relationala, program care va dura din luna ianuarie pana in luna iulie a acestui an. Ne propunem o evaluare a acestor prime intalniri in lunile de vara si organizarea unui program mai consistent cu participare internationala pentru anul 2022.
De asemnea, am inceput organizarea programului de studii lunare 2021-2022 in forma matricei relationale a lui Mitchell – trei texte pentru fiecare perspectiva psihanalitica – si ne propunem, de asemenea, ca in cadrul acestui program de studii sa invitam psihanalisti relationali din strainatate. Acest program va incepe in Septembrie 2021.
Pentru anul 2021-2022, vom organiza si o serie de 6 seminarii in ciclul “Citind impreuna cu Ogden”, in care vom studia textele lui Ogden privind operele lui Freud, Loewald, Winnicott, Fairbairn, Searles si Bion. Aceste seminarii vor fi de asemenea recunoscute ca program de formare continua in Romania si este primul eveniment de outreach pe care chapterul nostru il propune intregii lumi profesionale (psihoterapeutice si psihanalitice) din Romania.
In incercarea de ne gasi un limbaj comun, incurajam un grup de terapeuti sa scrie sau sa traduca artciole importante din psihanaliza relationala. Toate acestea vor fi disponibile pe siteul nostru – www.iarpp.ro.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre Chapterul Romania, ma puteti contacta personal si sa ne urmariti pe site-ul APPR.
Ganduri bune,
Valentin Miu
Valentin Miu, PsyD
Bucharest, Romania
Email Valentin Miu